I mean, what else can you call this dreck?
Channel 4 has sparked a fierce debate with plans to turn migrant boat crossings into prime time entertainment by asking ordinary Brits to make the journey.
The broadcaster has dropped a trailer for the new reality show in which six people with ‘polarised opinions’ are challenged to make the journey from refugee hotspots across the world before crossing the English Channel in small boats.
Provocatively entitled ‘Go Back to Where You Come From’, the show debuts on February 3 with the participants setting out from Mogadishu in Somalia and Raqqa in Syria.
Channel 4 insisted the ‘thoughtful and impactful’ programme would reveal the ‘terrifying perils asylum seekers face when they attempt to travel to the UK‘.
No one is obliged to make this journey. No one is obliged to try and enter this country illegally. Those that choose to get no sympathy from me and Channel 4 can stick its gaslighting where the sun don’t shine. Every day that passes, I am thankful that I dispensed with a TV and no longer pay for a license.
‘This A Place in the Sun meets Benefits Street-style show will do little to convey the true reality of what refugees have had to endure before fleeing to safety,’ said Steve Smith, chief executive of Care4Calais.
‘You can’t mimic the experience of war, torture, persecution and modern slavery through the sanitised lens of reality TV.’
They are predominantly men of military age who are trying to invade this country. They are not running from a war, they are waging one.
The series is set to ‘confront, educate, anger, shock and tug at the heartstrings of liberals, the right wing and everyone in between’, the channel boasted.
Fuck off.
But Amnesty International slammed the concept as insensitive and ‘deeply disappointing’.
We are in agreement, albeit for differing reasons.
‘But the perpetuation and normalisation of racist tropes around who ‘belongs’ here, even as part of a well-intentioned show, risks compounding racial injustice.
The people who belong here are the ones who are here legally. This programme is an example of just how tawdry and politicised out television and media generally has become. I won’t be watching – not least because unlike the people they are celebrating, I have no plans to break the law.
“participants setting out from Mogadishu in Somalia and Raqqa in Syria.”
And seeking assylum in the closest friendly country, I assume?
And l’m supposed to care how hard the journey is because……
If they had to swim across shark and crocodile infested waters they would still be criminals, invaders and not wanted here by the overwhelming majority of the native population.
Though, to be fair, I would definitely queue up to watch them trying to outswim a crocodile or hippo!
Once again we are reminded of what a blessing having no telly licence is.
You couldn’t pay me enough to watch the utter tripe these propagandists try and force down everyones gullet.
Britain is nowhere near to being the first safe country for refugees but it is the one that has the most freebies available. I’m not sure how long this will remain the case now that the government is determined to sacrifice the entire economy on the altar of climate bollocks.
Given how close to collapse the whole economy is after Rachel from accounts took over, I’m sure we’ll see an exodus soon as they all fuck off back to where they came from when there aren’t any handouts
They will go to the Irish Republic. Still a soft touch.
After that, a rubber dingy won’t get far on the way to Treudeauland.
Tv licence update: a letter arrived this am from whoever sent it telling me that I only have some period or another to go before they send some numpty to knock on the door: I CAN’T WAIT!
My inner Mystic Meg is telling me that this will be casted so those opposed to the invasion will be there most ignorant unpleasant people they can find, whist those in favour will be the most sympathetic.
Would love to see the numpties who thought this idea up, going first, plus the RNLI and Border Force escort service not bothering to show up half way across the channel, like they do for the small boat invaders. To make it interesting, this trial run could include a shed load of, alleged, celebrities. Any suggestions who?
On ther upside, if they try filming in any of these places, they are likwly to be robbed and/or murdered, and any ‘contestant’ trying to cross the channel in a small boat is at risk of drowning or being run down by a container vessel.
So the manslaughter trials and damages should do for Ch4.
Or they just fake it all in Aldenham Reservoir, and we can laugh at their imbecility.
I also suspect some genuine invaders will trot to the nearest ambulance chaser for hurt feelings.
We should just machine gun these boats. That would stop then in a day.