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That Time Of The Year

October 25, 2004 0

There’s an interesting discussion going on over at Rider Site about Christmas. One wag decided to get in first with his greetings. This led to […]

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Cannon to the Right of Them…

October 25, 2004 0

Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them Volley’d and thunder’d; Storm’d at with shot and shell, Boldly […]

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More Bank Holidays?

October 25, 2004 0

The TUC are campaigning for another bank holiday – probably about this time of the year. There are 117 days between August Bank holiday and […]

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Kilroy-Silk and UKIP

October 24, 2004 0

Well, it was a brief honeymoon. Mr Kilroy-Silk is now upsetting his new bedfellows. According to the Telegraph Max Clifford claims that he would be […]

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EU Referendum

October 24, 2004 0

Okay, okay, so before you yawn and move on….this has ramifications for those of us who live in the EU. Our glorious leader it seems, […]

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Good News For Tony Martin?

October 24, 2004 0

The laws in Britain are somewhat skewed when it comes to homeowners defending their property. While, technically, it is possible to injure or kill an […]

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Better Late Than Never?

October 24, 2004 0

The Times has revised its leading article of 14th November 1854. Apparently they feel that their reporting of the charge of the Light Brigade needs […]