He’s Worried

David Cameron is concerned about Israel.

Lord David Cameron has said he is “worried” Israel may have broken international law in Gaza.

The foreign secretary said he regularly consulted government lawyers over incidents in the war, but refused to say whether the legal advice suggested Israel had acted illegally.

It’s nothing to do with government lawyers. It’s nothing to do with the UK government at all. Israel was attacked by a terror group in October and is busy fixing the problem. They know what they are doing. They need to be left to get on with it. Faux concern from Cameron is typical of the kind of handwringing nonsense we have come to expect. Did he do a similar consultation regarding the rape, murder and kidnap of innocent civilians last October? I’m pretty sure that was against some law or other.

Downing Street later said Israel needs to “act carefully” and avoid risking further escalation in its war with Hamas.

Actually, they need to do the opposite and wipe every one of them out.


  1. With this attitude the West is finished. How can you wage war against an enemy who doesn’t respect any rules by tying yourself up in touchy-freely rules of engagement?

    • Exactly this. Hamas is a violent terror group that does not play by the rules. You cannot deal with such a threat by hampering yourself with rules. Wiping them out is the only solution left. Israel has tried all the reasonable approaches and they failed. Ultimately, what is happening how is entirely the fault of Hamas. I have no sympathy whatsoever.

  2. Was he bothered about his part in the destruction of Libya…arguably the fall of which has seen the largest movement north into europe of humanity from the depths of Africa.

    He really is the son of Blair and like that annoying twat can’t just piss off shut the fuck up and enjoy his fortunate life in non-enriched Cotswolds, they’re both like that stubborn floater that just won’t flush and about as useful.

  3. Considering the west is already pretty much against Isreal, they may as well just nuke Gaza and say, ‘Oops, my finger slipped’.
    As long as the wind is blowing from the river to the sea at the time. Don’t want that radiation coming back

  4. I heard a joke today that I couldn’t possibly endorse.
    What do you call 5000 dead Palestinians? A start.

  5. “He’s worried” means that he is not, just trying to find out which direction the wind is blowing. Disgusting individual.

  6. Few people apart from wankers on Twatter and the numerous RoPers we have imported give a damn about the Palestinians. They support Hamas and what is happening is quid pro quo from the Israelis.

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