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No, They Didn’t.

January 20, 2016 Longrider 10

Talking of terraced houses, I call bullshit. Asylum seekers living in accommodation with red front doors, which they say could identify their status, will have […]

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No, We Must Not.

January 20, 2016 Longrider 8

Bring back ID cards. ‘Cos, like, yeah, it’ll stop terrorism or some such bollocks, according to idiotic Angela Epstein. Every bogus argument that ID cards […]

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The Rhodes to Hell

January 19, 2016 Longrider 6

Rhodes must fall, again,  yawn. What is interesting here is not the fact that this is the usual puerile, whiny, ungrateful bollocks from a Rhodes-funded […]

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Darwin at Work

December 16, 2015 Longrider 7

Sometimes, I am left speechless by the sheer depth of human stupidity. Emergency services are warning parents to be aware of what their children do online after […]

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He Is A Dickhead

December 8, 2015 Longrider 15

Tyson Fury. I guess we shouldn’t expect a towering intellect from someone who punches people for a living. And, if you are going to claim […]

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But Will They Listen?

November 19, 2015 Longrider 3

Jihadi Jez has failed to learn the lessons of the Militwat. Ed Miliband’s general election chief has warned that Jeremy Corbyn is “failing to learn […]

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On the Other Hand…

November 14, 2015 Longrider 13

We could just surrender. To put it bluntly, the fight against terrorism is not working. Aid and infrastructure is absolutely key to deconstructing Isis, rather […]

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Made I Larf

November 9, 2015 Longrider 8

Today’s steaming pile of idiocy. Parents should drown children before they let them read the Harry Potter books because of gay character Dumbledore, an extreme right-wing […]

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Only in the Guardian

October 14, 2015 Longrider 3

I think we can file this pile of unmitigated cack in the bin marked “first world problems.” An interesting debate was launched on Twitter when […]

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That Was the Week

June 28, 2015 Longrider 13

Blogging has been light of late. This is because work has kept me so busy, I’ve had neither time nor inclination. After spending seven hours […]