Oh, Fuck Off!

Some conspiraloon has already decided that the election was rigged. Must’ve been the lizards. The twerp has set up a petition and, doubtless, the hard of thinking will sign it. So far about a 1,000 morons have fallen for it.

Also various legislation has been introduced that I fear has now turned this country into a right wing dictatorship with no hope of any other party being able to oust this Conservative one now.This whole election stinks to high heaven and I would appreciate you investigating these issues please.

Occam’s Razor suggests the pollsters under counted the Shy Tory vote (or people lied) – along with a real appreciation among the grown-ups of the damage that a Miliband/Balls administration in partnership with the SNP would do to our economy, not to mention swingeing tax rises. As always, there is likely to be a perfectly rational explanation.

But not for some, it seems.  Twat!


  1. I read this out to the Spouse and he suggested that we start a petition to have the ‘EdStone’ made into a public monument (possibly designated a folly).

    What do you think?

  2. And cemented into the ground outside of Labour Party Central Office, or perhaps on the empty plinth in Trafalgar Square, as a piece of public art and continued amusement to the masses for all time.

  3. Has this legislation been passed in the 36 hours since the Tories won their overall majority? If not, then the LibDems had a hand in it.

  4. Of course it was ‘rigged’. It’s how first past the post works. There are no prizes for second place. My advice (for what it’s worth); get over it and stop whining. It makes UKIP look like sore losers and will lose, not gain them support. What they should do is let Cameron dig his own grave, then capitalise of his mistakes. It’s politics FFS!

  5. Probably started by the same idiot who defaced the Women’s Cenotaph?

    I loved the poster “37% of 66% is not a majority” although presumably it would have been in their man got in? Wankers…!

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