…And the Morons

Humanity never ceases to surprise me with its idiocy.

Conspiracy theorists, however, came out in their droves on social media after the news emerged.

“Sounds to me like some sort kind of conspiracy. While all them pesky lefty, pro-EU hippies are at Glastonbury, eh lads?” one user posted on Twitter.

Well, if the kind of vacuous fuckwits who believe that kind of idiotic bollocks and then go onto a vacuous medium to advertise the fact, a conspiracy to deny them a vote would be no bad thing. Fuckwits!

There’s also a football tournament going on as well. And I’ll be away that day working, too. Clearly a conspiracy…

Fucking morons.


  1. It’s still worth asking why Cameron has gone for an early vote. Some realistic possibilities:
    1. He knows that the current “deal” is all he can get, and further fruitless negotiations would only undermine his position
    2. He sees the “leave” campaigns as weak and disorganised and doesn’t want to give them any time to get their act together
    3. He calculates that the “status quo” option will benefit from holding the vote at a time when many people are distracted by sporting events
    4. He is expecting some new crisis in Europe by the end of the year, e.g. a major escalation of the migrant crisis or another Eurozone drama, which will make public opinion more hostile to the EU and/or make the other EU members unwilling to spend any time on the British question

  2. But Cameron is involved in a conspiracy to get an out vote, the twitterati know what they are on about you know. It’s all a double bluff by DC, pretending to negotiate a new deal to make himself look like an idiot and calling a vote during Glastonbury all in order to get an out vote.

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