Comman Problem

The old Grocer’s Apostrophe… Still, seems there is a cure.

For years, it has been rumoured that somebody has been going out late at night, correcting bad punctuation on Bristol shop fronts.

On the one hand… Who has the time for this? Don’t they have a life? On the other hand… Admiration.

The self-proclaimed “grammar vigilante” goes out undercover in the dead of night correcting street signs and shop fronts where the apostrophes are in the wrong place.

A never-ending job, mind. Respect!


  1. But, but…the greengrocer’s apostrophe is an integral part of British culture! Ridding the High Street of its characteristic ‘Banana’s’, ‘Apple’s’, ‘Cabbage’s’ and ‘Potato’s’ is to rob us of our heritage! The vigilante should be returned to pedant’s corner where he belongs.

    Hand’s off our apostrophe’s!

  2. Not quite the same thing I know but in Hull there is a sign pointing the way to the ‘Waste bailing plant’. Presumably the waste is let out on licence until such time as its court case comes up.

  3. Lol, Well I shout at the radio and telly, “fewer, fewer, NOT less!!!” and “ground, not floor!!!”
    Having spent months looking at the canopy of my hairdressers which said, “Hair At It’s Best”, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut any longer. I don’t think they got it or else thought stupid old bag.

  4. I have to pass a sign on my way to work that asserts: “Mate’s don’t let mates get hurt.” It is like a dagger to my heart, I’m thinking of going on stress leave.

  5. Related: there is a roadside vendor near me who sells Potatoe according to his hand-painted sign. Of course it makes me sigh as I drive past, but equally I haven’t forgotten where I can buy bags of potatoe from should I feel the need.

    Years ago I used to pass a butchers shop from the late Victorian or Edwardian era and the entrance wall had a gorgeous, intricate scripted message in green and cream mosaic telling customers the shop sold “qulity fresh meats”

    I expect the shop owner used to look at that word qulity and sigh for years and years.

  6. In Gateshead in the ’70’s’ there was a hardware shop which specialized in selling ‘kettal’s’.

    • A garage near me has helpful signs up, and one clearly indicates where the “machanic’s” can be found.

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