
So Dr Who has finally changed sex. It was going to happen sooner or later given the incessant whining from the feminists who have been pushing for this along with a female James Bond – or a black one or whatever; anything other than a white middle-aged man. Now, I have no problem with strong female leads – I write them into my fiction. And if they really wanted a female time-lord, why not write a spin-off with a female character and her own story-line? Much as the Star Trek franchise did with Captain Janeway (likewise, they had a black captain in DS9). But, no, these people want to mess with an established character, changing him out of all recognition.

Talking of which…

I stopped watching Dr Who a while back, then started again when Peter Capaldi took over. I like him and find him watchable. However, coming back to it after a break, not even his acting skills can overcome the dire political correctness that pervades and corrodes the programme with crude leftist propaganda. Last night I caught up on the episode set in London in 1814. Contrary to the claim in the dialogue that history has been whitewashed, the BBC is frantically brown-washing it. Sorry, but the sights of an ethnically diverse Regency London did not ring true – because it wasn’t. It was just as bad as that dreadful Beowulf programme where we had ethnic minority Saxons. Indeed, the BBC seems determined to wipe the Anglo-Saxon – especially the male ones – out of history, both past and present. Oh, yeah, and the posh toff was the bad guy and waaaaycist to boot. Not too blunt an instrument, then… Like I said, crude leftist propaganda.

Given this and the generally weak storytelling, I’ll go back to not watching it. Indeed, I feel that its time has run, much as it did in the eighties. The BBC needs to recognise when something has reached a natural end. Dr Who probably did this after David Tennant’s tenure.

In the meantime, it really is time to abolish the licence fee.


  1. One would think that a ‘regeneration’ would be just that, what was there before would be there after.

    I also think there should be a limit on how long a series should run. The Archers should have ended with the death of Grace, for instance

  2. My comment to my wife was: “well she can’t be any worse than Peter Capaldi”. We are massive Dr Who fans but are still slowly working our way through his series because we struggle to raise any enthusiasm for the weak story lines or his interpretation of the character which seems to be built around his childhood fantasies.

    Thoroughly agree that it is getting very tired. We recently watched the episode in which the sleep in one’s eyes turn into monsters. Absolutely abysmal, a real indication that the ideas are drying up. I think any new doctor will struggle simply because of the lack of good new ideas and you can only resurrect daleks and cybermen so many times.

    David Tennant was a great Doctor, but he benefited from some really good story lines.

    • I think Peter Capaldi has been let down by the storylines and according to Peter Hitchens writing the Mail has called it a day because he was disappointed. Given the weakness in the writing, I sympathise.

      • Peter Capaldi – huge potential to be a great, iconic Dr but let down by awful scripts, bar one or two (Heaven Sent was superb) in my view.

        What a waste 🙁

  3. As long as they broadcast the series after 9pm and precede each episode with a test card and an announcement that “The following programme is not suitable for children or those of a nervous disposition” I don’t see a problem.

  4. Not just the Anglo Saxon Celtic Vikings get a raw deal in this race to be inclusive.
    When was the last time you saw any Asian, meaning from between Urals and the Pacific, ignoring Indian Sub Continent.
    Go into a real hospital and they are all there, but in that place somewhere near Brissle, but somehow without any Brissolians, moi dear, or even Welsh, you can count them on the fingers of an amputee.

  5. The show did have a natural end – twelve incarnations. They used all of them with Matt Smith as the last one then cheated to get an indeterminate number of new ones.

    I have a feeling this next incarnation is going to be the modern day Sylveste McCoy – the one that gets the show put back on the shelf. Possibly, this time, for good.

    • For good hopefully. They’re not even attempting subtlety with their leftist propaganda anymore. Capitalists killing off their workers because they are a cost – the end of capitalism. How Capaldi could utter the lines and keep a straight face says much about his acting skills. Unless he believes the utter crap he was spouting. The writer of this dross is clearly stuck firmly in the sixth form. They haven’t matured and and their writing reflects it. Jeebus!

  6. I agree about the PC drivel and Regency London was nothing like the London of today. Notice that the characters had quite nice teeth too. Another thing wrong. However, I will give the female Doctor a chance. Let’s hope it’s just one series.

  7. I gave up when they started taking themselves seriously. Back in the Tom Agnew era, it was almost a competition to see who was going to more preposterous , Dr Who or Red Dwarf. (Shows how far back I go…)

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