Oh, Fuck Off Already

What is it with slebs? I mean, really?

Celebrity chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall says cakes should be taxed to fund health schemes and believes The Great British Bake Off should lead the way with ‘healthier challenges’.

Oh, fer cryin’ out loud! Will the nagging, hectoring and humourless badgering ever cease? Cakes are an indulgence. No, they most certainly should not be taxed to fund healthy eating or whatever. If the tax everything brigade just looked more closely at how our money – yes our money – is pissed up the wall by the avaricious, greedy, grasping evil state on among other things, parasitical fake charities peddling the taxi it ban it mantra, they will see where savings could be made. Savings that will more than fund more healthcare.

Arseholes. The lot of them. And Fearnley-Whittingstall can go fuck himself.

The Much More Veg cookbook author said in The Sunday Times that Bake Off should be doing more to battle Britain’s obesity crisis.

No, it shouldn’t. It’s throwaway entertainment, nothing more. It is not the role of such programmes to lecture its viewers on eating healthy.

Did I say fuck off already?


  1. Shame, I rather like Hugh and have three of his cook books. However, I think this is one of those occasions when cooks should stick to what they are good at and STFU about everything else.

    Besides, taxing cakes might have a beneficial outcome as people go back to baking their own instead of feeding the profit margin of their local Tesco’s etc. There are few things quite as pleasing as the smell of home baking done right. Maybe it’s time we as a culture rediscovered that.

  2. In fact a well made fruit cake is highly nutritious and when iced (like a Christmas cake) will last a very long time. Hence they are very popular among yachtsmen (apart from the fact they are delicious).

    Are not most of the ingredients together with the fuel to heat the oven and the oven itself already taxed? Yon man must have been on the cooking brandy while trying to think of a way to have another series commissioned.

  3. “Did I say fuck off already?”

    Yes, you did — but it can’t be said too often and with enough force for these self-righteous, authoritarian shits.

    Well done, Longrider!

  4. What is it with slebs? They start to believe their own hype, that’s what. They start to believe that they really are great sages with a message for the nation and not just glorified music hall turns. The ones that actually have a particular talent, like being able to cook a bit, start to believe that this makes them an expert on anything even vaguely related to their specialist area. Hubris, nemesis, same old story.

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