Fuck Off!

Seriously, fuck the fuck off.

The government should introduce a levy for over 40s, retirees, and employers to fund the spiralling care costs of the growing population of older people and those with disabilities, MPs have said.

So, having been ripped off by these charlatans for a lifetime and watched that money being pissed up the wall on vanity projects, thieving NGOs and unnecessary government departments, they want to rip us off even more. Go fuck yourselves.

Update: I’ve written to my MP with some suggestions for government savings that will make such a tax unnecessary…


      • @Ted Treen

        +1 their only competence is troughing and spending other people’s money.

        £14,000,0000,000 donated to keeping overseas poor poor to keep NGO staff “employed”.

        As Left Ella (Spiked) on QT said NHS £20,000,000,000 bung is money into black-hole and will make no difference.

  1. I agree. We pay in all our working lives and we get a pittance of a pension (compared to most of the EU) and then threats to steal more of our money. This is what happens when governments operate Ponzi schemes instead of investing taxes. There is a reason Ponzi schemes are illegal for ordinary mortals.

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