
So what, precisely were they supposed to carry? Bunches of flowers?

A parish council has been forced into a humiliating u-turn after blocking plans to display World War One ‘Silent Soldier’ silhouettes – because they carried rifles.

Words fail me. Really they do. They are soldiers of course they would be carrying rifles.

Plans for the memorial soldiers to commemorate the centenary of the Great War in the scenic village of Brockenhurst, in the New Forest, Hants, were initially rejected by the local council.

I have to remind myself that those men died in their millions so that such councillors have the freedom to spit on their memory.

Councillors claimed that the it was because of concerns that the ‘Tommys’ were carrying guns, which could cause offence to local residents.

I very much doubt any local resident would be remotely offended. This was about the virtue-signalling scum who voted for it. Did they ask the local residents if they were likely to be offended?

Yeah, right…

Outraged local residents started an online petition called ‘Allow the Silent Soldiers to be heard in Brockenhurst’, which was signed by nearly 1000 people challenging the council to reverse their decision.

So, I think we can take from that, that local residents would not be offended. Indeed, they are offended by their local council. Well, people, you know precisely what to do come election time. Remove the lot of them.

The full council has since made an embarrassing u-turn on their decision after facing backlash and have now ordered one silent soldier which will be displayed in the village.

Along with mass resignations?

“The committee made the choice to have poppies on lamp posts and didn’t realise how important it was to people to have the soldiers – I think they misjudged it.”

As, I suspect, virtue-signallers do. The silent majority, likely as not ,views them with well deserved contempt. Again, those Tommys died so that this little committee enjoys the freedom that it does. And anyone who is actually offended needs to be offended good and hard on a regular basis until they get used to the idea.


  1. One? The whole point is massed ranks to bring home that millions fought and died for UK.

    A good start would be going back and making councillors unsalaried & no DWP Benefits either – the out of touch virtue signallers would quickly vanish

  2. Brockenhurst is in the New Forest, so rural Hampshire. It also has a 6th Form college.

    Make of that what you will.

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