I Know, I Know…

We’ve been here before with this utter cretin, but I can’t let it go without some sort of comment.

Read the linked cartoon and see what I mean. I know that the Guardian is a rag, but you would think that they would have some sort of guidelines to avoid looking so completely infantile. Strawmen abound in this risible pile of excrescence. The logic and thinking (using the terms very loosely there – Ed), is straight out of sixth form debating societies. Indeed, I’d expect the average sixth form debating society to wipe the floor with this nonsense.

Seriously, is this what we’ve come to? Infantile whining? Accusing your political opponents of being literal Nazis? Fuck me! Clearly this deranged moron has no understanding of politics or history. Christ on a bike!

We’re doomed.


  1. I find it hard to deal with the irrefutable fact that there are literally millions of my fellow citizens who are going to vote for a literal communist who, if put into power, will deliberately reduce them to abject poverty.

    If it was just them that it was going to happen to I would say crack on, fill your boots. The problem is that they will take the rest of us down with them.

    • The truly shocking thing about it is that there is now an entire generation of people, pretty much under the age of 30, who in large part don’t know about Corbyn’s past but worse still really don’t care to know either.

      They have collectively absolved him of his past views and actions as they would forgetting a tweet from last Tuesday. It really is shocking.

  2. Maybe somebody who doesn’t live in the country should stay out of our politics!!!
    But then I don’t know people who bother reading newspapers these days so I doubt they will be swayed.
    Everyone I speak to would love to vote Labour and a lot of what Jeremy says makes sense to us lowly workers. Unfortunately having to balance small budgets we can’t see how it can be paid for. The biggest factor is Brexit, no one can face another 7 years of it which is what Labour will give us. We are tired and fed up and want it sorted. There are so many things that need to be addressed in this country and they need to get Brexit sorted and start dealing with everything else.
    So though it breaks our hearts to vote Tory looks like that’s what we will be doing. Let’s just hope BoJo lives up to his promises and makes the country great again!
    Mind you politicians living up to their promises is as likely as seeing a unicorn in the woods or fairies at the bottom of the garden!

  3. Surely this is just preaching to the choir though? Sure instead of voting Labour they might vote Lib Dem or stay at home, but they’re not going to vote Tory are they?

    So “bollocks on stilts” it is, but will it make any difference to anyone who actually sees this cartoon propaganda?

    It does illustrate that even the lefties see Jeremy Corbyn as an unelectable twat. Good. We might get BRExit then.

  4. Only idiots would vote for a moron like Corbyn. Plenty of us still read newspapers too but not the Guardian. Vote Tory and keep these Marxist twats out. Imagine Diane Abbot as Home Secretary John McDonnell as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Nightmare scenario for this country, Socialism just drags everyone down to the floor.

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