Hysterical Bullshit

This pile of excrescence.

Boris Johnson has again stated that he wants the UK to quit the European Convention on Human Rights, as part of post-Brexit talks with the EU.

Rabid Brexiteers among you may think this has no bearing on anything other than our trading position with the European bloc – but that’s just ignorance, right?

The simple fact is summed up in this tweet:

It’s the only logical conclusion: refusing to stay in the European Convention on Human Rights means Johnson wants to strip you of those rights.

Oh, it’s some fuckwit on Twitter, so it must be true. FFS! For the slow of mind – Twitter is not a reliable source of truthiness.

No, it does not mean that at all. Now, I’m suspicious of government all the time until they demonstrate that they can be trusted, but this does not mean that Johnson wishes to remove human rights at all. There is another, perfectly rational explanation and that is that they will be enacted into domestic law, because leaving the EU also gives us an opportunity to leave ECHR. It really is that simple.

So he might take away the prohibition of torture or “inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”. That would make the Department for Work and Pensions’s treatment of sick, disabled and unemployed people much easier, after all.

Of course that’s what he has in mind. A return to the eighteenth century or before. Yes, we are going to have a return of torture. And this moron is expecting us to take him seriously? Really? Christ on a bike! I am no fan of Johnson or his government, but this hysterical fuckwittery really is bordering on the insane.

Oh, but there’s more…

He may remove the prohibition of slavery, servitude or forced labour. Restore serfdom and you end unemployment (technically).

Fucking hellski! Really, what else is there to say about such outright hysteria?

Your right to a fair trial is all but gone already – especially in civil cases (they cost a fortune, believe me. Do you think you could afford one?) and it’s a small step from their to getting rid of your right to liberty. Johnson thinks you’re property, you see.

Our right to a fair trial was eroded by a Labour government, but I guess we will gloss over that one, shall we? As for the claim that Johnson thinks that we are property, where is the evidence for this? Oh, that’s right, there isn’t any. This is pure fantasy coming from a deranged mind – and I use mind in a very loose sense. It’s along time since I read anything quite so divorced from reality.

I definitely think he’ll do away with your right to privacy. We already live in a surveillance society and would-be dictator Johnson will certainly want to keep tabs on any signs of rebellion against his rule.

Privacy has been under attack for a decade or so since the rise of the internet. No one government can escape being accused of this. After all, it was a Labour government that tried to bring about a national database of all our details and use an identity card as a key for all transactions – not just with the state. We may have dodged that bullet, but the insanity of Labour’s legacy in that regard remains, so, yes, a surveillance state requires ongoing vigilance. However, the idea that he is a would-be dictator is a symptom of Boris Derangement Syndrome (and this guy has got it bad). There will be an election in the next five years. Hardly a dictator, would-be or otherwise. It’s like those who are making the same claims about Trump who is preparing to go to the polls. But let’s not allow reality to get in the way of the narrative – these two are literally Hitler after all. So fuckwittery on a grand scale here.

Freedom of religion is likely to go, one way or another. Johnson is a racist and Islamophobe, as we know. So the prohibition against discrimination will be for the heave-ho, too.

Oh, for fuck’s fucking, fuckitty fuck’s sake! Bullshit. Utter, utter bullshit. The claims of racism and Islamophobia are false. They require intellectual dishonesty bordering on contortion by deliberately misquoting two articles Johnson wrote. One was a scathing satire on Tony Blair’s imperialist attitude and the other was in support of the freedom to wear the burka if one chooses to do so. Neither can be used as a claim for racism or Islamophobia unless you quote out of context and are relying on your audience having not read the source material. Anyone who repeats these claims is a charlatan and a liar to boot. So, we do not know anything of the sort. Indeed this twat is confusing the claptrap in his head with facts. The two are not the same.

Does anybody really think he’ll let us keep our right to freedom of expression? Any dissenting voice, I suspect, will be put down harshly.

This would be the same Boris Johnson who has told the universities to stop no-platforming then? The evidence is directly contradictory to the claim being made here.

Freedom of association will probably go – that way he’ll be able to get rid of those pesky trade unions for once and for all.

Once again, we have assertion being presented as if it is a given. There is no evidence to suggest this. None whatsoever. Assertions are not facts. This is sophistry writ large.

And has anybody noticed that he’s said nothing at all about restricting his own rights and privileges?

Non seqitur.

I hate to admit it but Ed Davey (an unsavoury character himself) is right: “Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings are determined to take power away from the British people and hoard it for themselves.”

Appeal to authority.

And it’s too late for those of us who opposed it to do anything but watch.

None of this idiotic claptrap is likely to happen. I have my concerns that Boris talks a good talk, but doesn’t always walk the walk – his ban on alcohol on LUL being an example. However, the sheer fantasy listed above isn’t going to happen. Really it isn’t. It’s claptrap.

As for those who voted Johnson in, making it possible for him to strip you of your rights… Will you think it was worth it in a few years’ time, when the full horror of what you’ve done has had time to sink in?

Actually, I didn’t. But as mentioned above, the hysteria is misplaced. I do like the attempt to guilt trip those who dared to vote differently.

I’ve read some moronic stuff on the Internet in my time, but over the years, this piece of drivel has to rank in the top three or four – and that even allows for the rantings of Neil Harding of this parish a decade or so ago. Jesus Christ on a bike!

I notice that Vox Political is seeking donations. Fuck that, frankly. Given the lack of intellectual rigour on display, I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.


  1. Probably just a case of projection. These are the kinds of things that I would do if I was PM so Boris probably will too.

  2. The ‘children’ of the UK need the un-elected ‘adults’ of the ECHR to look after them apparently.

  3. But before the ECHR, in the UK we had a hellish existence and didn’t have:

    1) Free speech

    2) Safety from being extradited abroad for crimes which were not offences under British law

    3) Freedom to sell goods in Imperial measurements

    4) The ability to deport foreign criminals

    5) The ability to keep people out of the country who had malevolent intentions

    Oh, wait … cancel that last lot. The ECHR imposed that lot (plus a LOT more) on the UK.

    The internet NEEDS a sarcasm font.

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