Well, Duh!

Every so often I am reminded just how bovine the population can be.

Half of adults are content to remain at home if their wages continue to be covered by their employer, or the government’s furlough scheme.

Deltapoll director Martin Boon says the result show that the UK public fears the virus more than its economic consequences.

“So far, Britain’s workers are happy to stay locked up so long as money keeps flowing their way, even though many fear for the country’s economic future,” he said.

Where do these cretins think that the money is coming from?



    • No, I think it likely is genuine. An awful lot of people are truly terrified of the virus, to a state beyond all reason.

      I read an article somewhere, words to the effect of people being upset because the new slogan *didn’t* include ‘stay at home’. IE they are scared by even thinking about not staying home! It takes your breath away – it does mine, anyway.

      • I’m with Kurt here. You only have to look at the drivel on Farcebook – from so called right leaning folk, too. For some reason, people have gone into full on scaredy cat mode out of all proportion to the actual risk.

        • I’m with neither theory. Its well known that being unemployed and living on state handouts creates what has been termed as ‘acquired dependency’. We used to see this a lot during the Thatcher years, especially with those who had never worked since leaving school or those who had been long term unemployed. There is a fear involved, that is, the fear of being able to stand on one’s own feet. Its also astounding how little time it can take to develop. In addition there is also the attraction of one’s time being their own with no commitments to work.

          • Yep, I can’t dispute there’s a big element of that to it as well. You might say ‘institutionalised’.

            But there is real fear there too. As in the oft-used phrases: ‘you’re putting lives before the ecomony’ and ‘you’re killing people’. (I’ve had them thrown at me umpteen times) I’m sure people really do think mixing with strangers is a death sentence.

            And so we have another 3 weeks of it, at least, to go. ‘The science says…’ Does it really?

      • CoranaPhobia and Corona Derangement Syndrome

        Cause: media brainwashing and Gov’t of hysterical teenage snowflakes

  1. “Deltapoll director Martin Boon says the result show that the UK public fears the virus more than its economic consequence”.
    These people AREN’T FEELING ANY ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES FFS, that’s why they are content to stay at home. Cut the benefits being paid to 20% of their wages and they’ll soon change their minds. Or tell them their taxes are going to go through the roof when they go back to work or services will have to be pared to the bone or that they’ll have to work 4 more years before collecting their state pension and some may get it.

    And that is without considering the people who ARE suffering loss of income.

    • These people AREN’T FEELING ANY ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES FFS, that’s why they are content to stay at home.

      Yup. This. The self-employed who have had nothing in the way of help so far are feeling it. Sure, we will be getting some of our own money back this month, but we’ve had to feel the economic reality in the meantime, which is why it is mostly the self-employed who are screaming about this. With some exceptions of course.

      That said, with a small railway pension, I’ve been largely cushioned, but I still recognise the wider economic impact that is looming.

  2. The economic consequences are yet to arrive. They will include unemployment at 1980s levels or higher. I fully expect to see 3m+ by next year.

  3. One of today’s papers said 90% of the population are now in favour of the lockdown continuing!!! If that’s true we are utterly fucked. As for the changed slogan, it seems as if lots of these fuckwits are now scared they might have to think for themselves, rather than hide behind a blanket statement. One wonders why there was such a rush for bog rolls – do these people actually know how to wipe their own arses?

  4. UK Flu 2014/15 – Daily deaths Higher than 2020 and No Lockdown, panic

    …Between December 2014 and March 2015 there were 44,000 excess winter deaths

    …Deaths peaked on 1 January last winter when daily deaths were 35% higher than the five-year average. The first part of 2015 (5 to 11 January) also saw weekly deaths at 15,000, the highest number in any given week since the last two weeks of December 1999 and first two weeks of January 2000, when flu levels were very high.

    Daily deaths were above the five-year average on 304 out of 365 days in 2014/15…

    H/T Peter Hitchens:

  5. I suppose it is self reinforcing that of the two dozen or so ‘random’ people that I encounter daily none of them express fear of the virus rather they are p*ssed off with the lockdown itself. All the ‘scaredycat bedwetters’ are clearly hiding indoors.

    I spent the first 10 years of my working life paying off the compensation given to former slave owners following abolition and I only finished paying the USA for WW2 Lend Lease about ten years ago.
    It won’t be my children and grandchildren paying for this stupidity but Yours & YOURS and everybody elses for their whole lives.

  6. “Where do these cretins think that the money is coming from?”

    It’s worse than that; not just that they don’t have the right answer, they haven’t a clue they ought to be asking the question.

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