Time to Share the Link

Spiked online reminds us that YouTube is doing what the tech giants like to do – stifling voices that they find inconvenient.

YouTube has become a censorship hot spot during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Its latest target is Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens, one of the UK’s most outspoken critics of lockdown.

His interview on the Triggernometry podcast has been ‘shadow banned’. It has not been deleted but it cannot be found by searching for it on YouTube and Google. This move is clearly designed to limit the video’s audience as viewers need a direct link in order to access it:

Well there’s a surprise. After all these are the people who have demonetised Sargon of Akkad and Count Dankula for wrongthink on the say so of a nasty hard left activist posing as a journalist.

Mark Di Stefano has, fortunately, torpedoed his “journalistic” career by spying on other journos and tweeting it out and in so doing drove a coach and four through the FT’s code of conduct and any reasonable sense of ethical behaviour – but it is Sargon and Dankula who are “far right” and therefore needed to be stifled. Now it is Peter Hitchens.

Well, fuck you, YouTube.

Here is the link. Share it as widely as possible.

And, frankly, The Donald’s executive order removing protection for these hard left activists can’t come soon enough. If they are going to editorialise – which is what they are doing here, they are not common carriers, they are publishers, so need to have any and all protections removed and people can start suing the pants off the bastards for content that they host that is defamatory or libellous.

They had it coming now let’s see them get it good and hard. And Twatter and Farcebook.


  1. Thanks for that link, I usually watch Peters stuff on the Mail website

    I expect most are also familiar with Vernon Coleman on YouTube, well worth a daily look before they censor him too.

  2. As soon as I saw this story I downloaded the interview using “4K Video Downloader”, and will watch it later. Doing so is becoming increasingly important in this day and age. I’ve also looked for the video using a number of other search engines, and NONE of them show it either…

  3. Interestingly while the video itself isn’t on the first page of google results for ‘”Peter Hitchens” triggernometry interview’, it’s the top result on https://duckduckgo.com.Which makes the latter the more useful search engine, doesn’t it?

  4. I often watch old Sargon of Akkad on You Tube. He isn’t far right. Most of what he says is either common sense or just plain sensible. Same with Hitchins most of the time.

      • Have a listen to what BBC & Maddy Savage view on Common Sense is
        “Not all countries have chosen to lockdown; instead Sweden has opted to trust people to make their own judgements about social distancing. Maddy Savage reports as pubs, shops and restaurants have remained open and residents have been left to make difficult decisions of how best to navigate living with Coronavirus”

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