Time to Defund

The BBC has enough money to piss away on diversity, it’s time to stop paying for it.

The BBC is to increase diversity by investing £100m of its TV budget over a three year period to produce “diverse and inclusive content”.

Director general Tony Hall has described the move, which will apply from April 2021, as “a big leap”.

The BBC has set itself a mandatory target – 20% of off-screen talent must come from under-represented groups.

That includes those with a disability or from a BAME or disadvantaged socio-economic background.

BBC drama has long since lost the ability to merely be drama. Now it always carries a political message. Recall, for example their dreadful update of War of the Worlds. Their latest big drama starring Michaela Coel is one I made a deliberate decision to avoid like ebola because it was obviously going to be anti-male anti-white woke bullshit. When I watch a drama, I want to be entertained, not harangued – oh, sorry, educated. There are plenty of non-BBC outlets that do just that – entertain.

I’m more than happy for the BBC to do whatever it wants – in the open market with its own money, not funds it has extorted from the taxpayer. Let those who want this woke agenda pay fro it and those who don’t can go elsewhere without having their wallets raided by this Marxist monopoly.


  1. Yes, the long tendrils of diversity culture have snaked into every single part of the BBC now. It’s like looking at a magnificent old Manor House which has been completely overgrown by creeping, strangling ivy and whose roof has now caved in – one can see the outline of how beautiful it used to be, but there’s no point trying to spend any time inside it now.

    My son (now 16) was a Dr Who fanatic, and it was a hugely significant part of his childhood, including old DVDs of the show right back to the William Hartnell era. Now he’s given up on it entirely and sees it (rightly) as nothing more than a captured vehicle for ideological preaching. I saw him go through a real grieving process for it. Jesus, he’s a very bright lad, but even so, if a youngster only just on the cusp of adult political perception can see it plain as a pikestaff, how bad must it really be?

    When Mark Pougatch was quietly and unceremoniously shown the door, I decided to go with him.

    • I watched Dr Who when growing up. For me, Tom Baker was the Dr Who, although David Tennant came very close. After that, though, it went off a cliff. I tried the Peter Capaldi version, because I like him. I found myself wondering how he managed to say the lines with a straight face. Turned out, he couldn’t.

      If they wanted a female time lord, nothing was stopping them making a spin-off, but, no, they had to destroy the goose that laid the golden egg. See also, James Bond.

      • I’m boycotting the forthcoming Bond film for the same reason. It will be the first Bond that I have not been to the cinema to see since The Spy Who Loved Me in 1977. How’s that for keeping your core customer base happy?

  2. It’s like they are being deliberately stubborn to go “up yours” to the decent people of this country.

    • I’m not sure when the bombshell will drop with these people. They all seem to think that Twitter, the Guardian and the BLM crowd represent the country at large. Even December’s election result hasn’t shaken their complacency.

      • The bomb won’t drop. Because these people will only produce this crap soon it will be all that there is to watch. Remember they are doing it with your money so until they have to rely on sales they have no reason to change.

  3. I have come to despise every channel of the BBC, and want to see it wound up. Not just defunded, because that conjures up images of BBC insiders creating start-ups out of the ashes, and overlooked assets, of the BBC estate. All of which rightfully belong to the public.

  4. Speaking of diversity. There is now a desperate rush to erase “black racist stereotypes” from the packaging of various, mainly food, products. Once the idiots have succeeded in eradicating these vile racist icons from the planet, they are going to be left with nothing but images of white people on their packaging. Presumably then we will have a freshly minted diversity bandwagon to jump onto and be newly outraged about.

  5. I can’t really comment on BBC TV since I have not watched for 15 years because it was going downhill way back when.
    Right now I’m listening to Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 explaining why a plane over Burnley FC flying a ‘white lives matter’ is offensive, not if it is but why it is.
    One Black academic has been telling us that it is a construct to make BLM seem to be racist

    A second academic came on to tell us how important BLM is but could not tell us why WLM is offensive.
    To be fair one listener was allowed to support All Lives Matter to be told by second academic that he, the listener, can’t know how Black people suffer in America, ie avoided the issue.
    At least I don’t have to pay to listen to BBC Radio.

  6. Very well said. Recently for the first time in many months I switched on R4; I lasted oh about five minutes during which time they’d talked about trans issues and Muslim issues. I gave up Beeb comedy ages ago after I was invariably correctly estimating how long before the anti Trump/Brexit/Tory Party ‘joke’ was made. Not sure if The Narrative has reached classic period drama (as opposed to historical drama such as Poldark which got the treatment) but when it does then I’ll cancel my licence.

    Interestingly I was told by some local non-Beeb press journalists that Beeb journos were not highly regarded in the profession.

    • Someone complained on another platform that Radio 3 was infected, they might have an uphill struggle because I can’t think offhand of any proper Classical composer that was not an old pale male though they might find a few gays like Benjamin Britten to fawn over.

      • Didn’t you know that Beethoven is black. He wasn’t when he was alive, but apparently he is now. I heard this from some SJW idiot in the pub a while back (when we still had pubs). I was rendered speechless.

  7. “A new 20% diverse-talent target will apply to all new network commissions from April 2021, so expect to see a surge in overtly diverse BBC programming!”

    As if the current BBC programming wasn’t already “Overtly diverse” enough. I hope when the new round of TV Licensing threatograms goes out to the old biddies who no longer qualify for a free TV license that they remember this and make their ire heard in the halls of Broadcasting House.

  8. There was a French version of War of the Worlds on Fox I quite enjoyed, very understated. Just hope the second series goes ahead as it was postponed. Didn’t even look at the bbc one, the write up was enough to put me off!

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