Put That Light Out!

Ask yourself this: Who is the kind of individual who would apply for such a role?

BORIS Johnson has announced an army of “Covid marshalls” to enforce tough new rules on social gatherings.

The PM vowed to strengthen enforcement on people flouting the rules banning more than six people meeting – but people have already started to mock the new marshalls.

We used to laugh at the bombastic Hodges in Dad’s Army. But now who’s laughing? This vile scheme will attract the petty jobsworths, the unemployable, the little bullies who derive satisfaction from bossing others about.

Fucking Hell!

And Boris. What can I say? I have, over the years, read his various treatise on the subject of liberty and nodded in agreement. I felt a wobble when he banned alcohol on LuL, but he seemed to be on the right track later on. On balance, he seemed to be on the side of the angels.

Clearly not.

I was taken in.

The Brown Gorgon is looking good in comparison.


  1. They’d better be a tough lot if they’re planning on going onto peoples private turf to moan at them! Can you see this shower coming to the Ace and harassing the lads?

  2. Do you have a desire to enforce petty rules on a whim?
    Did you fail the Police Entrance Exam when you spelt your name wrong?
    Do people ignore you in the streets?
    Have you worried that your life is going nowhere?
    Well worry no more! A glittering career as a Blockwart!
    Yes citizen, YOU can join our growing ranks of those giving their all to support our Dear Fuhrer in this countries hour of need!

    The Fuhrer did say that they would not be issuing fines etc… Well he would wouldn’t he? Councils being asked to actually organise something? What could possibly go wrong?

    • Michael, sadly I foresee that the usual politically governed and ‘woke’ hiring practises of councils applied to the hiring of these Blockwarts will result in a whole lot of people who should never be allowed to have authority for a goldfish, roughly interfering in our lives. It is a recipe for the creation of a social disaster. I hate violence and it’s not a way of solving political problems, but from what I’ve seen of other people in conversations online saying what they would do if apprehended by one of these Blockwarts, it’s plain that others do not cleave to my point of view. A low IQ bullying jobsworth Blockwart, if they behave to the wrong person in the manner with which I expect these Blockwarts to behave, could be a massive flashpoint. This is really NOT going to end well and I’m desperate to see the departure of a Prime Minister who has been an abject disappointment.

      • I’m desperate to see the departure of a Prime Minister who has been an abject disappointment

        Yes, PM Hancock must be quarantined – indefinitely in an asylum

  3. Kapo:
    “Also called “prisoner self-administration”, the prisoner functionary system minimized costs by allowing camps to function with fewer SS personnel. The system was designed to turn victim against victim, as the prisoner functionaries were pitted against their fellow prisoners in order to maintain the favor of their SS overseers. If they were derelict, they would be returned to the status of ordinary prisoners and be subject to other kapos”

  4. On behalf of Gorgons, I must protest.
    The one-eyed son of the manse is a cyclops.
    That strange cod like mouth action of his occurred any time his brain suspected that he was about to say something sensible.
    Stop Gorgonophobia.
    Although you are allowed to be frightened of them.

  5. I understand the Covid Wardens are required to wear bras over their uniforms to show what complete tits they are.

  6. Probably an attractive position for disgruntled traffic wardens or people sacked by G4S or Serco for failing to meet their pitifully low standards.

  7. I wouldn’t be surprised if the growing ranks of the unemployed were pressured by jobcentres to apply under pain of losing benefits.

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