
This moronic image is doing the rounds on social media. I’m sure that the original author of this rampant idiocy thinks that they are very clever. They also think that they understand science because they “believe in science.” It is clear that they have no concept of the scientific process and are too thick to find out, but never mind, those of us who understand that there is no scientific evidence for wearing masks in order to inhibit the spread of an airborne pathogen and have enough mathematical understanding to recognise that 0.125 microns is somewhat smaller than 0.3 microns, hence a mask will not provide an effective barrier to a virus are deniers. Where have we heard that epithet before?

Meanwhile, I sink my head in my hands and weep for humanity. We are doomed, I tell you, doomed. The stupid it hurts.



  1. Science is, somewhat ironically, the new religion.

    There is a priest class, who cannot be questioned – scientists, with politicians as spokesman.
    These people “believe in” science – they have faith in it.
    They follow the rituals and edicts passed by the priest class – wear a mask, socially distance, all hail the NHS.

    You don’t need to believe in science. It is provable, or close/predictable enough to be practically useful (as an engineer, that second category is enough for me). Either the numbers say your bridge will stand, or it won’t. Your plane will fly, or it won’t. There’s no belief or faith required.

    • The whole point is, its not science, and it does not help to keep calling it so. There are, right now, over 7,000 REAL doctors and scientists world wide, with no skin in the game, who have started to speak out. Their logic and arguments are sound, yet not one of them has ever denied the existence of covid. On the other hand, you have the CDC admitting that the virus has never been isolated or identified (see link in my previous comment). That means that the virus has never been proven to exist. Those doctors and scientists, by assuming that it does exist are just giving ammo to the other side.

      Which also leads to other questions – if this virus cannot be proven to exist, how does anyone know that its 0.125 microns? How do they even know its a virus? Something you can’t see can’t be measured. Whether your numbers work or not, depends not on the numbers themselves but whether someone has actually worked it out (science) or just pulled the numbers out their backside (religion).

      I’m not a scientist, just an engineer like yourself and as such I am equipped with logic. In our profession you don’t need numbers to see if something is possible, just the logic to see, and the numbers come later. It really grabs my balls when I hear the phrase ‘follow the science’, because I do. Its the religion I don’t follow and those advising governments are not scientists, they are priests, of the witch doctor variety.

      • Their logic and arguments are sound, yet not one of them has ever denied the existence of covid.

        PHE gerrymandering notwithstanding, there has been an increase in excess winter deaths across the globe this year. Something must have caused that. An airborne pathogen is a reasonable hypothesis. So, no, they are not going to deny it.

        While we usually accept that we will get this as different strains of seasonal flu catch us out, the difference in transmission rates and symptoms are indicative of a novel coronavirus. This is a sound hypothesis that has not been falsified so it is perfectly scientific to work on that basis until such time as it is demonstrated to be false.

        Something you can’t see can’t be measured.

        That’s why we have electron microscopes.

        Assuming that everything in your linked article is factually true, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. As I said, there is something that caused the excess wither deaths this year. What I don’t accept is this second spike that is being generated by increased testing that cannot differentiate from dead RNA and a live virus.

        and those advising governments are not scientists, they are priests, of the witch doctor variety

        Absolutely. And there are plenty of credible people who hang on their every word, such as the cretin who came up with the image UTL

        • “That’s why we have electron microscopes.”

          Which are useless unless you have a live specimen to put under it.

          “Assuming that everything in your linked article is factually true”

          Well, it came from the CDC, who do actually have electron microscopes and who’s job it is to isolate and identify viral strains. Yet all they could come up with was fragments. There are quite a few strains in the coronavirus family including seasonal flu and no way of telling which strains produced the fragments. So they hypothesized the rest. There is a list of sources and references below the article.

          “As I said, there is something that caused the excess wither deaths this year.”

          According to the ONS there have not been any excess winter deaths compared to other years. For a good analysis of the world wide effects of cv19 I would recommend Ivor Cummings, if analysis of figures interests you.

          Cummings also takes aspects other than gerrymandering into account which goes a long way to explaining ‘excess’ deaths. This one is specific to Ireland but I suspect its not that different to other parts of the world over the same time periods.

          “What I don’t accept is this second spike that is being generated by increased testing that cannot differentiate from dead RNA and a live virus.”

          From the data that I can gather, there is no second spike but a very small increase in the tail off of the first as we head toward winter (see Ivor Cummings analysis). There are a lot of factors other than gerrymandering by PHE which falsely increase the numbers. Sure, testing is one of them – and the test being used is far too sensitive – it picks up debris fragments so small that it has to be amplified to a factor of 45. The amplification spec for a reliable test is 35. Still, amplification factors are different depending on the test lab used for the test, some labs are even going beyond 45. Its like music being completely drowned out by white noise. The test, as far as I can tell, is only 7% accurate. This was the figure leveled at Matt Hancock on Sky News, which he could/would not address. If true, that would mean that 93% of the tests are false positives. Note also, that the MSM news is now reporting ‘cases’ or ‘infections’. The number deaths that they report so gleefully on a daily basis is neither here nor there.

          “And there are plenty of credible people who hang on their every word, such as the cretin who came up with the image UTL”

          There. Fixed it for him.

          • Virus particles are not alive. In a transmission electron microscope the specimens have to be stained to be seen (Uranium or Osmium salts). You can see them also using a scanning electron microscope. Corona viruses normally cause colds as do Rhino and Adeno viruses. Corona viruses are RNA viruses.

        • the difference in transmission rates and symptoms are indicative of a novel coronavirus

          Not so novel coronavirus?

          Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity?
          …At least six studies have reported T cell reactivity against SARS-CoV-2 in 20% to 50% of people with no known exposure to the virus.5678910

          In a study of donor blood specimens obtained in the US between 2015 and 2018, 50% displayed various forms of T cell reactivity to SARS-CoV-2…

          Could pre-existing immunity be more protective than future vaccines? Without studying the question, we won’t know.

          See also:

          Herd immunity without antibodies?
          Sebastian Rushworth, M.D. 28 September, 2020

          …The following is a crash course in the workings of the immune system, which should help you to understand the current discussions happening in society about T-cells, antibodies, herd immunity, and whether reported cases of re-infection are real or not

          Innate immunity…

          Author: Sebastian Rushworth, M.D.
          I am a practicing physician in Stockholm, Sweden. I studied medicine at Karolinska Institutet (home of the Nobel prize in medicine). My main interests are evidence based medicine, medical ethics, and medical history.


          Hancock et al ignore this

  2. Last week, I had someone quote Michael Mann at me, asserting that the consensus [what has science to do about a consensus?] on climate change is as certain as the consensus on gravity. Didn’t take much effort to put him back in his box and I don’t think he’ll be quoting Michael Mann again in a hurry.

  3. @Ripper
    LR is correct on virus size and N95/FFP3 face mask pore size

    Read these articles

    The Excellent and Pragmatic

    The ‘cure’ is worse than Covid. Driven to despair by lockdown, two of Professor Angus Dalgleish’s colleagues took their own lives… and compelled him to join a growing rebellion against Cromwellian restrictions

    Worth reading, Professor Dalgleish nails Gov’t, NHS & MSM error and idiocy repeatedly

    The Tyrants of NHS NC-19HS

    British Medical Association and SAGE demand masks mandatory Outside: Doctors call for tougher nationwide rules including restricted alcohol sales

    Their justification: too confusing to only have to wear in shops, make it everywhere outside home
    Note: BMA is a Trade Union (many MDs do not join); it is not the GMC

    Completely ignores: Face Masks can Kill

    “Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing

    The mayor and health chief of Tulsa in the US are being sued by a group who say the city’s mask mandate is harmful to health. The group includes Dr James Meehan, who says:

    Mask wearing has well-known risks that have been well-studied and they’re not being discussed in the risk analysis. I’m seeing patients that have facial rashes, fungal infections, bacterial infections. Reports coming from my colleagues, all over the world, are suggesting that the bacterial pneumonias are on the rise.

    Why might that be? Because untrained members of the public are wearing medical masks, repeatedly… in a non-sterile fashion… They’re becoming contaminated. They’re pulling them off of their car seat, off the rearview mirror, out of their pocket, from their countertop, and they’re reapplying a mask that should be worn fresh and sterile every single time.

    New research is showing that cloth masks may be increasing the aerosolization of the SARS-COV-2 virus into the environment causing an increased transmission of the disease.”

    I have not and will not wear a virtue face mask for C-19. I do wear a proper mask/respirator when necessary

    Good one. Recent consensus:
    – Cervical Cancer is bad cells. Oops, no some are an HPV virus
    – Stomach Ulcers are stress & excess acid. Oops, no it’s a bacteria

  4. As I point out to people who complain that masks make their glasses steam up.
    ‘That steam is your breath, water vapour. Covid is transmitted via water vapour so your mask is achieving nothing except to perhaps make you ill…”

    Incidentally has everyone seen the vid of the MP in the Commons cleaning her glasses with her face panties?

  5. @Pcar
    There has never been any doubt in my mind that something nefarious is happening, and am not disagreeing about the detrimental effects of face masks or their pore sizes (N95 = FFP2, by the way. FFP3 = N99). However, though I am in full agreeance with you and the articles you link to, they have little to do with the point I was originally trying to make. The bottom line fact is that from the CDC’s own publishing, the virus has never been isolated. This, speaking logically, leads to other facts:

    If cv19 hasn’t been isolated (that is, a live specimen found), then it follows that it can’t be proven to exist (please read the link I first posted).
    Any object, material, particle or energy in the universe can only have two states – it exists or it doesn’t exist, so whether humans think it exists or not is irrelevant.
    To state the existence of something without any evidence to support that statement is theory, lies or fantasy.
    If something can’t be proven to exist, you cannot detect or see it.
    If you cannot see it, or indeed not know if it really exists at all, you cannot measure it.
    If you cannot measure it, you cannot state its size.

    What I am questioning is, why do these good doctors and scientists, who are working very hard on our side, insist on playing along with something that has been stated without any evidence?

    @Used to be Banned
    On the subject of masks, one fact which people always overlook is the difference between droplets and aerosols. We emit both. Droplets are heavier than air and quite large in comparison to aerosols. We emit droplets when we cough or sneeze. Aerosols are emitted in breathing and are far more dangerous since they linger in the air and spread, whereas the heavier droplets quickly fall to the ground.

    Perhaps you have seen this before, nevertheless it is a good practical demonstration of the effectiveness of masks in general, and the only article I have seen that explains the difference between droplets and aerosols. However, the doctor makes the same mistake of assuming the existence of cv19, which, remember is not proven.

    • I try to avoid being a “doesn’t exist” con-theorist, but in some ways do wonder

      As nurse says:

      …Q. At what date (approximately) did you start seeing Covid patients?
      Answer: Beginning of March.

      Q. What were their symptoms?
      Answer: Low oxygen levels, sometimes a higher temperature but often no symptoms that would distinguish differently from their other underlying conditions. I did not come across any patient reporting more unusual symptoms like loss of smell or taste. Neither did I see any patients that developed any associated clotting problems.

      Any deteriorating patient would develop worsening function in all body organs and systems but these cannot be called symptoms of Covid. It’s just more the fact that a patient was dying in the same way every other failing bodied patient has died.

      Q. Were their symptoms any different to other serious respiratory viruses that you had seen and treated in the past?

      Answer: The Covid patients presented no differently to any other respiratory illness, which most Covid patients already had a history of anyway. Previous to Covid we would see patients with the same symptoms in conditions like exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, community acquired pneumonia, hospital acquired pneumonia, some types of heart failure, sepsis and general frailty.

      Any infection, as we all know, could present with a high temperature and quite understandably if a patient was admitted with a chest infection, we could also see deteriorated respiratory function which would be low oxygen levels. A simple chest infection in the main could look identical to Covid…

      PS Thanks for N95 N99 info. Seems main difference is N99 uses electrostatics to be better. But masks make inhale/exhale pressure & velocity greater forcing particles through

      Video good, cheers

      • I try to avoid being a “doesn’t exist” con-theorist…

        Likewise and for much the same reason as those specialists who do not follow the party line. It is all too easy to write off dissenters as being tinfiol hat hearing nutters. So avoid falling into that trap.

  6. Since the graph of new cases is going through the roof, that sort of suggests that the masks aren’t really helping much. Or is it just a tiny handful of deniers that are spreading it about? The graph with the deaths is really flat and is only in double figures, that is if you can believe them at all. You can bet they are counting every one that they can, whatever the actual cause of death was.

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