Beware of Greeks

It’s that old joke referencing the Trojan horse. Although as jokes go it isn’t very funny.

Millions of Britons are set to be handed a Covid-19 vaccination ID card proving they have received the jab and will be warned to keep it with them at all times.

When Mengele’s atrocities came to light the concept of medical coercion was deemed repugnant, that we should not have any procedure without specific consent – albeit with some reasonable exceptions where consent was impossible.

What this is doing is setting the scene for coercion.

It is not clear if the cards will be mandatory to carry – but it will be handed out in every case – and in large bold font on the front it warns those with one to: ‘Make sure you keep this record card in your purse or wallet’.

I think it unlikely that they will be mandatory to carry as there will be no need. HMG will simply allow retailers and service providers to do the dirty work for them.

Critics fear the cards are a step towards the immunity passport the Government has vehemently denied it wants to bring in. There is growing concern that once they become widespread in the UK businesses could demand to see them as standard.

Exactly. That’s how it will work. Credulous, stupid business owners will fall for it and exclude those of us who dare to resist.

Others have said the proof of vaccination cards appear easy to fake, with one saying: ‘No photo, no details. What could possibly go wrong?’. Another tweeted: ‘Not long until they are ready to buy on internet for self completion Literally just a cardboard card, no security or anything!’

There is that, of course.


  1. If you’ve had the vaccine, why would you care whether or not I have had the vaccine?
    If you haven’t had the vaccine, why would you demand that I have the vaccine?
    The cards are pointless.

    • Because the vaccines are around 90% effective on ages up to 65, possibly less so on ages above that. Broad brush estimates.
      So you’re a cruise operator and want to attract a full complement of passengers, mainly elderly – insisting on vaccination, or evidence your passenger has had CV-19 and recovered, is going to help you sell your tickets.
      I wonder if you’re aware how scared some people are, and removing that fear will help them do social things again.
      Won’t matter after Easter next year due to epidemioligical effects taking most European countries over the CRT but I get why people currently might want to see a vaccination document.

      • One point I meant to ask, what is this obsession with cruise operators? Why should anyone care what an outlier like that thinks? And, importantly, why should our civil liberties be held to ransom by them? I have no intention of using their services, so what they want is of no interest or consequence.

  2. When the high street forgot indeed thought they could reverse the natural writ in stone relationship between a customer and supplier, themselves aided by idiot councils who ripped off the solvent motorist daring to shop there, millions of us voted with our wallets, Amazon and it’s ilk and a high street in its death throes are the result.

    The same will happen with this identity card by other means bollocks, those places who forget who is the customer will pay the price, literally.
    Other places will do well, if i don’t have to rub shoulders again out and about with the terrified of their own shadow types that will be a bonus, bring it on.

  3. If they do introduce this and shops,cinemas etc are allowed to bar entry to non vaccine certificate holders how long will it be before some shops,cinemas etc start proudly showing big signs at their entrance stating “We don`t ask for vaccine certificates” and promptly make record profits from shoppers who refuse to be tagged like cattle?
    and how will the govt respond? by having a sudden attack of common sense and getting rid of the absurd measures or by dropping the facade and going full 1984?

  4. Drug Cos granted immunity from liability for adverse reactions – Gov did this

    BA say you must take vaccine even for urgent essential flight – I see a liability here and with all other businesses that demand vaccination

    I read ‘Leigh Day’ are already looking at this and other Covid infringements of free life. Never thought I’d support a mob of ambulance chasing shills

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