Nasty Authoritarians

One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that there is an undercurrent of authoritarianism in society at large. There will always be those who desire to bend others to their will. The psychopaths and the narcissists. This Covid scare has brought them crawling like cockroaches into the open enabled and encouraged by a government that has trashed our liberties for the illusion of some temporary safety. The government and their enablers in the media have behaved like an abusive spouse, gaslighting the population with their exaggerated figures, lies and subversive propaganda and among all this, suitably encouraged, we have the petty tyrants who think that they should tell others what to do and how to behave – even to the point of what they should put into their bodies.

Nearly half of care home staff won’t take the coronavirus vaccine, with bosses desperately calling on ministers to make jabs compulsory among healthcare workers.

Those staff quite rightly do not wish to become part of an experiment (or are concerned about possible side-effects). I am with them all the way. I will not be taking this vaccine either and for the same reason – there is no long term data on any potential side-effects. This is not a conspiracy theory, nor is it anti-vaxxer rhetoric. It is a perfectly reasonable stance to take. And we have dominion over our bodies. No one has the right to tell us what to put into them.

One care home owner claimed if they got to such a situation, they would feel obliged to disclose the low take-up not only to family members but also the local authority, adding it wasn’t clear who would be liable if someone were to fall ill.

No one, you idiot. No more than anyone is personally liable for someone contracting influenza. Also, the vaccine does not stop contagion, it merely reduces the effects of symptoms in those vaccinated.

As a result, there are growing calls to make it a requirement for such workers to take the jab in a bid to win the war on Covid-19.

At the risk of going all Godwin, it’s less than a century since the world recoiled at a regime that indulged in enforced medical experimentation and here we are with people thinking that it is now a moral thing to do.

Anyone who advocates for enforced vaccination is objectively evil.


  1. What’s the care home going to do when the majority of their staff have resigned, rather than be part of this mass experiment?
    Oh wait: you are forbidden from resigning, you will work as you are told.
    How shallow the pretence we have left slavery behind. How quickly it is embraced.

    And how revealing this mass resistance to the ‘vaccine’ already has them panicking.

  2. The vast majority of Westerners have spent the last seventy years enthusiastically encouraging government to prohibit the ingestion of certain substances – for your own good.
    That’s only a short step away from government MANDATING the ingestion of certain substances – for your own good. Shut up and roll up your sleeve!

  3. Someone saw it all coming:

    What is involved is not a minor but a major step along the road towards the brave new world of Aldous Huxley. If we here in Parliament do not maintain the vigilance which is the price of liberty, who else in this country will do it? Not the Government, not civil servants, not interested pressure groups, but only we hon. Members on a free vote.

    I am astonished that those of my hon. Friends who so often expound the virtues of freedom and who are so often astute to attack hon. Members opposite for any incursion of freedom do not realise just how important even this small step is. Once that barrier is well and truly down, once the thin end of the wedge is in place, what other of our human activities, as the right hon. Member for Down, South (Mr. Powell), with his customary eloquence, said, will not shortly be the subject of well-meaning legislative interference? My hon. Friend the Member for Twickenham (Mr. Jessel) called it a small freedom to surrender. I reply that it is all the more precious because we have so few freedoms, big or small, left. I for one do not see why we should not defend the small freedoms just because there are no big ones left to defend.

    • @DocBud
      NI peeps tend to be more anti-authoritarian, plain speaking and pragmatic than GB peeps – maybe due to ongoing ‘war’ with ira since RoI/NI split

      Huxley’s ‘Brave New World
      ‘ – the aim of IEF’s Agenda 2030 “Great Reset” and path we’re on

    • @DocBud

      Much of the Groundwork for this was laid in the 1960s or 1970s

      Very interesting link! Also shows how dismal the quality of contemporary MPs is..

  4. Employees must be vaccinated – bonanza day for ‘ambulance chaser’ lawyers

    Also, the vaccine does not stop contagion, it merely reduces the effects of symptoms in those vaccinated

    We don’t know yet if that is the case. At present we know asymptomatic do not spread. If vaccined can spread we’re in a worse situation as “Typhoid Mary’s” created

    Like you I won’t be taking based on my risk/reward cost/benefit analysis. One key factor being I have had one cold in last 25+ years and no other bacterial/viral illnesses. Even when Mrs Pcar, mum, brother etc ill I don’t catch.

    Be ‘unclean’, ‘unhygenic’ (unless surgical procedure); buy a dog – boost your immune system

    Do I mask, sanitise trolley, hands….. etc – No, never have

    You may remember I called it as a “bad Flu nothing-burger” in late February. I’ve removed “bad” since age cohort revealed

  5. Also, [IF] the vaccine does not stop contagion, it merely reduces the effects of symptoms in those vaccinated


    Vaccine passports make no sense if the Covid jabs don’t stop you spreading the virus
    We’re only a few jabs into a mass vaccination programme and already there’s a debate raging over the possibility of “vaccine passports”. The airline Qantas has declared that its passengers will need proof of vaccination to fly and two British ministers have mooted the idea over the last week.

    At the same time, the Government has stressed that we don’t yet have a key piece of information. Do the vaccines simply prevent disease resulting from the virus or do any of them stop a human from carrying and transmitting the virus?

    The answer must surely inform the vaccine strategy. If none of the vaccines do prevent transmission, but only prevent disease, then the whole notion of “vaccine passports” makes no sense. Being vaccinated might protect you, but it doesn’t protect the people around you. A vaccinated social care worker who can’t get ill but can carry the virus from one care home to another still presents a risk to the elderly in her care.

    Ultimately, the answer may be in between. It may turn out that one or other of the jabs does prevent transmission, but another doesn’t. It may be that a vaccine makes you less likely to spread the virus, but not incapable of it. Until we know for sure, however, it’s best to leave the task of devising a “vaccine passport” regime to science fiction writers


    …As for the broadcast journalists sent to quiz ministers, they only seemed to have two questions tattooed to the back of their hand: “Why don’t you lock down more?” or “Why are we risking lives by opening up so soon?” I can’t recall hearing the actual principle of lockdown being challenged. Nor do I remember the words: “What about Sweden?” or “What is the scientific evidence behind this measure?” or “Can business survive this?”

    When the economy went down the pan, the same broadcasters who had cheered the lockdown seemed genuinely surprised. The new question is “Why won’t you spend more money?”

    The broadcasters probably believe the normal job of reporting, and the critical thinking required to do it, has been suspended for a season, that what matters is “keeping people safe”, which would be why the press conferences are an echo chamber. The Government does something. The broadcasters demand an escalation

    Ultimately, this is not about a few journalists’ hubris or error. It’s a warning of institutional decline. The coronavirus has tested all our institutions – health, police, politics – and most have failed because they long ago forgot what they are there to do. The same is true of the broadcasters. If they had a special remit in a time of pandemic it was, yes, to help us stay safe, but also to hand out accurate information and enable us to make decisions based upon our own judgment of the risks. Hysteria and breathless reporting of diktat without dissection is wrong.

    Lots of people will quietly break the rules this winter because some are simply unworkable. If an intelligent person like Ms Burley struggles to stick to them, perhaps the broadcasters need to ask what their rationale is and if they actually work.

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