When Your Policy Has Failed

Try more only worse.

A further 20 million people in England will join the toughest tier of Covid restrictions from Thursday.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock told MPs the Midlands, North East, parts of the North West and parts of the South West are among those escalated to tier four.

What is worse is that a significant portion of the population approve of this utter insanity. These morons claim to be following the science (there’s no such thing – Ed) yet having had their hypothesis completely trashed by exposure to the real world, they are going to do even more damage and keep destroying lives, livelihoods and the economy in the hope that they can demonstrate that King Cnut was wrong.

To say that I am angry would be an understatement. Livid, furious, raging, but all to no avail as so many of my fellow countrymen are taken in by the lies. About the only thing that would appease me now is the sight of Mad Handcock dangling at the end of the length of hemp.


  1. I’m exactly the same LR. There is a nasty prohibionist streak in the UK population who just want to ban everything. They started with tobacco and would dearly like to ban alcohol and police what we eat. These bastards should be garotted.

  2. Dear Mr Longrider

    I was at a coffid (coffee in a time of covid) morning today, where the subject of the real reason for the lockups was raised. Trashing the economy seems to be number 1, and since small businesses are bearing the brunt, they are the prime target.

    My thought du jour is that our beloved government™ is destroying small business to deliver the Great British public into the hands of an unholy alliance of big government and big business – i.e. fascism.

    Covid is a perfect Trojan horse for the introduction of a wide range of totalitarian policies from ID cards to restrictions on movement and economic activity. It has achieved in nine months what decades of climate fear has failed to achieve.

    OBG™ is repeating the same thing over and over precisely because it is delivering what they want: utterly frightened, utterly dependent livestock.


  3. The only people I know who are in favour of this nonsense are those in public sector jobs. Or who can easily work from home.
    Meanwhile, the rest of us, who have seen massive pay reductions (about 33% for me), redundancies, or increased working hours (friend who is an optician is now working 12 hr days to maintain turnover levels due to having to leave time for cleaning between appointments), are absolutely livid.

    Funny how that works isn’t it. almost like they don’t realise that this is seriously f**king with people’s lives. For a disease so dangerous, most people don’t even realise they had it… FFS.

    And that’s without even mentioning anger about the principle of government just deciding it can tell us what we may or may not do.

    The first person in line for the hempen rope jig isn’t Hancock, he is second. First is Furher Drakeford. With extra itchy rope.

  4. It’s astonishing just how large a portion of the population is able to ‘work’ from home. How exactly does sending emails generate wealth? I’ll never understand economics if I live to be 37.

    • Sending emails doesn’t generate wealth. Or any value added.
      These things make a lot more sense if you stop thinking of a lot of roles as productive and instead as adult Day care.
      Government doesn’t want lots of people unemployed – gives them to much time for protesting, causing trouble, etc.
      Instead, they think up a load of pointless regulations, which then require people to have non-jobs to do them.

      • My late wife spent the last few months of her life working from home. She was in IT so could log on remotely and fix problems without leaving the house. She also did a lot of telephone support – again, where she was didn’t matter. So, yes, some roles can work remotely.

        • Any job that is purely manipulation of information can be done remotely; three out of four in my family. One is IT again (me), son teaches music, daughter does research for television. The only one with a ‘hands on’ requirement is the other daughter, in hairdressing.

          Of course if it can be done from home, it can be done from India where wages are lower, one suspects largely due to lower regulation. The last thing I did in my last role was handover to the new India team. The hairdresser daughter may yet end up keeping the rest of us.

  5. Angry? Yes, very. More angry that media ignoring the Why – It’s not Covid, it’s control and subjugation on path to 2030 objective. Until we address this, not the diversion of Covid-19, Rhinvid-21 nothing will change
    @DP Well done

    Gov’t: prev lockdowns (socialism) didn’t work, let’s try again with a tweak here and there. They refuse to see they’re in sunk cost fallacy land

    Meanwhile No Lockdown Sweden {Hi Tax} and Florida (Low Tax) are doing well – no misery, recession, excess deaths…


    First on rope is ‘Good Cop” Boris – he approves all. Sunak is another “Good Cop” fully committed to the Great Plan

    Only if business survives : Britain has lost 4.8 per cent of its hair and beauty salons since March (Telegraph)

  6. How do we know that the majority of the population approve of restrictions such as lockdown and masks?

    I’ve heard talking heads say that the majority of those polled support even harsher restrictions etc.

    However, given the reliability of polls during Brexit, the US 2016 Election and so on, can we really trust these figures?

    • I think it’s a Brexit style split. None of my clients support it, yet many of those I know from previous employment on social media are fully behind it.

        • Yup. Scaring people was a policy of these scoundrels and it worked. I know a number of people who are terrified and no reference to evidence will persuade them. If anything this is an object lesson in how effective a weapon psychology can be when it is abused

      • Polls: leading questions and innate desire to not displease/disagree – even if it means lying
        “If no Lockdown results in Gov’t estimate of 520,000 excess deaths, should we lockdown?”
        “If wearing masks might stop millions of deaths, should we all wear masks?”

        Social Media: Disagree comments, vids etc removed.

        Look at YT Comments, peeps saying ‘YT deleted my comment’
        YT: talkRadio hammered and vids now anodyne, sycophantic waste of time – Why don’t they move to Bitchute?

        LBC being censored by YT too. Both also by FB. Yet tR & LBC complying with Ofcom rules

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