My Misanthropy is in Overdrive

According to a doctor, I have blood on my hands.

The public are to blame for the record number of Covid cases and have ‘blood on their hands’ if they don’t wear masks as patients wait 24 hours for hospital beds to stop coronavirus ‘spreading like wildfire’ through wards, top doctors said today.

Professor Hugh Montgomery, a consultant at University College Hospital in London, said he is ‘angry’ with people for ‘behaving badly’ and failing to follow the rules as cases hit 50,000-plus again and deaths approached 1,000 yesterday.

‘We can’t blame the Government, we can’t blame the Tier system. This is people behaving badly. I’m just very angry about this. If we were wearing masks, washing hands, this virus would not be as it is’, he told Times Radio. He added: ‘Anyone who doesn’t wear their mask – they have blood on their hands’.

Prof Montgomery is a grade one arsehole. The government and people like Montgomery have behaved like an abusive spouse, gas-lighting their victims through this period. They have consistently lied and gerrymandered statistics to suit their agenda. Yes, there is an increase in ICU use at this time of the year – and Montgomery should have been expecting it. There always is during the winter months. Respiratory disease is always rife at this time of the year. This is normal. If the NHS cannot cope then it is because it is an inefficient, money hungry organisation that needs radical reform, not because people have not obeyed idiotic, anti-scientific, contradictory rules. And if Montgomery bothered to engage his brain, he would realise that at least three studies have failed to find evidence that masks have any effect on the spread of an airborne pathogen (quite apart from their mandatory adoption having no effect on it this past few months – likewise the moronic lock-downs), so he is merely repeating religious mantra, not science.

However, like an abusive spouse, Montgomery is blaming the victims here. I do not have blood on my hands any more than I do during any other flu season. Like Montgomery, I am angry. I am angry at bastards such as Montgomery who think that innocent people trying to go about their daily lives are somehow to blame for an airborne pathogen that cannot be controlled. I am angry at a government that has trashed our economy and made it impossible to plan – as an example, I’ve lost next Monday as the two students are in tier 4 and cannot travel to test. I am furious at the way we have been treated by smug poltroons like prof Montgomery, so he can take his admonishments and stick them where the sun don’t shine, frankly. And, no, I refuse, absolutely, to comply with these rule. I do not consent. I will not wear a mask, I will travel wherever I damned well choose and if I want to meet with people, I will. The government lost its legitimacy as far as I am concerned.

As for the NHS being overwhelmed, when someone exposes that lie, they get the whistleblower arrested.

Edited to add: If I have blood on my hands for not wearing a mask, Montgomery (and his ilk) has blood on his hands for every death caused by these insane restrictions. Fair’s fair after all.


  1. Sounds ok to me! Let’s see this in future:

    “It is making me actually very angry now that people are laying the blame on the NHS organisation and pressure, and it is not that, it is drs and nurses, they are misdiagnosing and screwing up dosages, they are covering up their mistakes and lying for their colleagues…”

  2. I wonder if there might be hope, if this guy is even a little right.

    Bloke on M4
    December 31, 2020 at 2:22 pm

    “These are the people, or at least the class, who are running the country – not many British institutions are led by people who disagree with the Guardian.”

    I’m just not sure that these are the real institutions any longer. I think they perhaps were, but are gradually being replaced. The most important institutions in Britain are the supermarkets and the power companies. Examples:-

    Police: Used to be Regan and Carter going after bank robbers yelling “you’re nicked”. Banks spent money on various tech to stop bank robberies being worthwhile, so coppers can now spend all day on transgender awareness courses.
    Military: Had to deal with Fritz trying to invade the Alsace. Along come tractors and there’s plenty of food produced and no-one cares about invasion, so you can start putting girls in the army because the only wars they’re going to fight are ones we don’t care about losing.
    Journalists: used to write up interesting and important things. People doing interesting and important things can write it up on twitter, so newspapers can just be ME ME ME narcissism and SJWs.
    Universities: made sense when printing books was expensive, and later, as a place to exchange ideas, but once you have the internet, what’s the point of travelling somewhere to speak to a hall of 200 people? So, they get overrun with “safe space” types.
    Parliament: once ran the car making, electrics, phones, coal mines and when we did a lot of war stuff, it really mattered that serious people were in charge.

    The big thing with all these institutions is how much women and gay men have moved in. And that’s because the power has gone elsewhere. Who wants to be the MP for Northampton, sitting in committees about the price of football shirts for £70K when you can be in Goldman Sachs making millions or running Facebook?

    How would things work out if politics were to become irrelevant? What if we could vote by spending our money? Those who provide people with what they actually want at a price that they are happy to pay get to rule the world. I’m sure there is a flaw in the plan, there always is.

  3. How much was he paid for this multi-platform performance? 4Chan needs to expose him as a hypocrite

    Among Prof Montgomery’s more outlandish claims were that one person could infect “hundreds of thousands of people” and “whole families are getting wiped out”, including children. Really? If an entire family had died of COVID-19, I think we´d have heard about it by now

    I doubt Prof Montgomery has the best of intentions, he should pause to consider that between 20% and 30% (>40% in Hampshire) of Covid patients in hospitals have become infected since being admitted. In reality, no one has “blood on their hands” because no one intentionally infects another person. But if you´re going to assign blame, surely he and his NHS colleagues have to accept some responsibility as well?

    It’s same as Hancock & other NHS/Covidian zealots screaming “You’re killing people / grannies” – but Granny died/suicided from loneliness

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