Only with a different name.
Brits will once again applaud out heroes who are working on the frontline during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis.
Clap for Carers looks set to return this Thursday at 8pm, under a new name, it has been announced.
Annemarie Plas, who came up with the weekly ritual – which ran for 10 weeks during the first lockdown – tweeted that the tradition would be returning as Clap for Heroes.
Oh, fuck off! Seriously, go fuck yourself.
You can take it that I will not be standing on my doorstep clapping like a demented sea-lion.
I doubt this one will be anywhere near as successful.
1. A lot of people are fed up of all this now.
2. Have you been outside? It’s chuffing freezing.
Is one thing to go outside when its sunny and warm. When its freezing, rainy and blowing a gale, its far less attractive.
Didn’t last time, shan’t this time either
Likewise. Sanctimonious virtue signalling.
Was cycling back from a permitted exercise cycle ride during a Thursday evening clap in the summer, it was the closest I got to do doing it.
Did feel like I was in a really shit Tour de France though, which was nice.
I only realised last year that all my neighbours where outside clapping after it had happened for a few weeks, when my wife told me. I really thought nobody was that deluded amongst the people I know, a few of whom are friends. So it was quite a surprise.
The funny thing is that we were the only “key workers” in the whole street (my wife still is as she is a radiographer in the NHS) and we thought it was stupid.
The general gullibility it betrays is incredible. “Clap like seals” is very apposite.
So they are no longer ‘Carers’. Now they are ‘Heroes’. Good grief.
I wonder how much of this is politicians and people trying to find a purpose, or a great cause to be part of.
We grew up hearing about our grandparents fighting the good fight against the Nazis, our parents struggling to rebuild after. The generation before had the great depression and WW1 to contend with.
After the 80s… Not much really.
As Durden says in Fight Club:
Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who’ve ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need. We’re the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War’s a spiritual war… our Great Depression is our lives. We’ve all been raised on television to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off
I think some of it, and the way certain sections of society in particular “find” Nazis everywhere, is a reflection of this. Trying to measure up and find a notable place in history.
The ambition of our politicians is to be someone rather than achieve anything. Thus the ambition is not to solve the problem but to play the great hero.
Both wife and daughter are nurses at our local Hospital. Both say that this clapping is a total farce. Both want more staff actually on the job. Wife knows of at least four recently-retired and highly qualified nurses who have given up coming back to help when they were half-way through 3 or 4 weeks of “Return-to-Practice” courses. Not one of them has been retired for more than one year.
My Mrs went up to our gates wondering what all the noise was last time, almost everyone down the road bar John was out doing their impression of performing seals, there’s always one family of nutters and sure enough there went over the top.
No we didn’t join in then and now we won’t be now either, better not carry on too late with it cos i’m usually in bed by 9pm due to being up at 3 or 4am for my work, which can’t stop.
When it snowed and the road out was near enough impassable, have a guess who went out and salted it and cleared the steepest sections so everyone (else) could get out, yep John a mate down the road and me, not one of those seals came out to give a hand.
The irony of this tale being, John and us were the only ones who didn’t benefit, we were able to get out without bothering to clear due to our proper 4X4’s.
Not looking for any status or anything, just wish the virtue signalling clappers had even a clue about real community or what a proper neighbour really is.
Ha! Guess who was out this morning doing just that?
I appreciate our bin-men (sanitary operatives?), the guys who grit our roads, the Post Person, all the delivery drivers, the shop workers. Even the undertakers.
None of whom put on fancy dress and do a conga after a hard shift.
Something stinks in the NHS. Are they short of qualified staff while not employing extra qualified staff? Are all the hospital beds full or just the ones designated for Covid patients? What happened to all the kit in Nightingale Hospitals? Are they short of kit? What happened to the all-hands-to-the-pump ventilator shortage?
And why don’t our MSM and MPs ask questions not fed to them by the “don’t-rock-the-boat-and-get-the-plebs-restless” gutless figureheads who answer those same questions.
I doubt if the family, wife, children, and grandchildren, of a very good friend of mine, a highly decorated ex-soldier, who died at home on New Year’s eve, will be out clapping. Not after the trauma of watching him die in agony after his cancer treatment was cancelled 4 times. And who would dare criticise them?
I thought that snow in England was a thing of the past.
On the clapping front I’m not sure whether I need to be bothered. Yes it’s a bit Orwellian, a bit 1984, but I don’t see that the idiots are doing any harm. Lots of people work hard for a living and don’t ask for any applause for it. I’ve done some tough and shitty jobs over the years, now I’m happy to be retired and spending my time how I want to.
I will be playing metallica master of puppets loud so I won’t hear it?
Double bollocks, its now 11pm and i forgot to wander out with the dogs and see if anyone was bothering, as Pooh would say oh bother.
Here in Queensland, we’ve got one community case (i.e. not a returned overseas traveler in quarantine). It is the supposedly UK variant, so, for one single, solitary case, greater Brisbane (about 2.5 million people) has been put into lockdown. How unbelievably insane is that?
Over in the west we have had no community cases for months because they turned it into the Hotel California. Borders (Internal) reopened recently, but you Queenslanders have been banned again because everyone from QLD poses an unacceptable risk. The worst part is how wildly popular the policy is. The state government is up for re-election in March and they will romp it home. The current Premiers’ approval rating is 98%. It does my head in, Australia is the second maddest country in the world, second to New Zealand.
The national borders are closed to all but returning Australian citizens and celebrities. There is no plan for them to reopen in the foreseeable future. Utter madness.
What I would really like to know is what is happening in LDC’s that have no social security or universal health. Are people dropping like flies from Covid?
While there were some clappers in this village back in the spring, I am pleased to report there was not single clap, peep, or honk around here at the appointed time last night.
Normal people are just tired of the nonsense.