Rule by Diktat

This government is surpassing itself for totalitarian nastiness.

A maximum 10-year jail term for lying about recent travel history has been defended by the government.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps said the British public “would expect pretty strong action” and the maximum sentence reflects the seriousness of the crime.

Well I don’t and it doesn’t. Perhaps that is because I can see parallels with the Soviet Union. Perhaps because I can see a bunch of despots signing off new laws and punishments without any scrutiny – let alone parliamentary scrutiny. No one who voted for these evil bastards in December 2019 voted for this. Not content with trashing our economy they are trampling over our basic civil liberties. Only in a draconian dictatorship does the government behave like this.

No, Grant Shapps and Matt Hancock, we are not answerable to you, you are answerable to us. The idea that you can imprison someone for what is a very minor offence – that shouldn’t even be an offence – over an illness that does not, and never has, warranted the hysterical over-reaction that you have engaged in, does not justify a 10 year prison term. This goes way, way beyond a reasonable reaction.

Lord Sumption is, again, calling it right.

It was criticised by former Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption who said lower tariffs exist for sex offences.

A voice of reason in a wilderness of hysteria, stupidity and evil.

Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Lord Sumption accused Health Secretary Matt Hancock – who announced the latest measures – of losing his connection with reality.

Mad Handcock is an obnoxious little man who has been promoted way beyond his abilities. Much like his boss.

With this latest wheeze, the government – and Mad Handcock – has crossed the line from the merely incompetent to outright evil. How long before people decide they have had enough?

And, yes, we need a system for removing them – and the opposition – and starting again. I don’t know what that would look like, but what I do know is that everyone in parliament who voted for the removal of our liberties needs to be removed themselves and held accountable.

When I started this blog back in 2004, I thought that the New Labour ID cards and identity register was awful. Never, in my wildest nightmares, would I have thought that our liberties would be swept aside by a Tory government with such a willingness to dig out unrelated enabling acts to achieve their wickedness – a government that hasn’t even bothered with the niceties of parliamentary debate. All on the say so of scoundrels like Neil Ferguson.

“People shouldn’t be booking holidays right now – not domestically or internationally,” he told the Today programme, prompting the travel industry to warn of another lost summer.

It comes as Prime Minister Boris Johnson told MPs the public would need to “get used to the idea of vaccinating and then re-vaccinating in the autumn” due to new variants.

And, speaking at Prime Minister’s Questions, he said the hotel quarantine plan was “measured” and “proportionate”.

There is nothing remotely measured and proportionate about this. Nothing. It is the reaction of a deranged government that is out of control and advisers who have no comprehension of how risk is managed and none of them appears to understand basic biology. Of course it will mutate. It’s an RNA virus. Mutate is what RNA viruses do I learned that in A Level biology forty years ago.

This is about control, not a virus. That was merely a convenient excuse.

He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “The reality is that nobody would get such a sentence anyway, the courts are simply not going to impose it.

Lord Sumption is right. If I was on a jury with this before me, I would refuse to convict and would persuade my fellow jurors to agree to acquit. That’s why they want to do away with juries.


  1. @LR

    Add Priti Useless to your list. She banned residents leaving UK unless ‘essential’ week or two ago…

    …but illegals still free to come for free board & lodging in open camp/hotel. However legals must pay £175pd to be imprisoned

    Good, but way to long

  2. Look at smug, sneering presenter Guru-Murthy on C4 News with Sir Charles Walker – despicable. He then dismisses any freedom and goes to “expert” Devi – a Social Anthropologist and worshipper of the Zero Covid cult

    “Nicole R, 1 hour ago
    Look at Guru-Murthy’s face looking so UTTERLY baffled and bemused at Walker’s thoughts, even though they are the thoughts of the MASS PUBLIC!!

    Never seen so many anti-C4 & lockdown on comments before. They’re usually >90% sycophantic

    PS: DP here’s the missing o

    • Devi Sridhar is an immigrant herself (being born in the US): that makes her a ladder-puller as she’d never have been able to come here in her envisaged world of hermit kingdoms.

  3. Halfcocked failed to specify how many of the 30,000 lorry drivers arriving in the UK each week will be paying £1800 to stay in a Stalag Hotel

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