That Could be Interesting

Marine Le Pen could win the presidential election.

Marine le Pen could win France‘s next presidential election, a senior member of Emmanuel Macron‘s cabinet has admitted.

Bruno Le Maire, the French finance minister, warned that victory for the far-right leader in next year’s poll is a ‘political possibility’ that must be ‘opposed’.

Throwing his weight behind Emmanuel Macron, Le Maire warned of a ‘difficult’ election campaign in a country that is ‘crossed by movements of anger, of doubt which are very deep.’

“Could” being the operative word here. As with the last time, there will be a concerted effort to thwart her. Because, “far right”. These days, far right simply means not progressive – or, heaven forfend “Islamophobic”*.

For us, a Le Pen presidency will be popcorn time as a Frexit vote is a possibility.

Speaking to France’s BFM TV on Saturday, he said: ‘The election of Marine Le Pen, as we all know, is a political possibility. It must be fought.

‘Fought with ideas, convictions, results, with men and women who are committed.

‘I hope that in this fight against Marine Le Pen, our ideas will prevail. It is in the field of ideas that we must go, in the field of what we want for France, of the European construction.

‘In 2022, I would like Emmanuel Macron to be a candidate for the election, for presidency of the Republic, and I will be at his side to ensure that he is re-elected.’

We’ve seen your ideas in action. That worked so well, didn’t it? Gilet jaunes anyone? I’m really not sure that the French have the stomach for another Macron term. Especially the rural French.

*I repeat here, something that I have oft said and needs repeating on a regular basis – there is no such thing as Islamophobia and never was. An intense dislike of Islam is a rational response to a nasty, misogynistic, medieval belief system.


  1. The French seem to have lost their bollocks lately ! Remember when Frenchmen chain smoked Gauloises Brunes and drank lots of red wine before driving like nutters everywhere ? Ah the good old days, now sadly just a memory in a France presided over by the likes of Macron !!!

    • I recall sitting at a non smoking table in a cafe many years back. The rest of the room was smoking. The French were typically cocking a snoot at the newfangled smoking regulations. As you say, they seem to have lost something along the way.

  2. “I repeat here, something that I have oft said and needs repeating on a regular basis – there is no such thing as Islamophobia and never was. An intense dislike of Islam is a rational response to a nasty, misogynistic, medieval belief system.”

    You would say that ‘cos you is Islamophobic, innit.

    (I don’t need this 😉 do I? 🙂 )

  3. “Marine Le Pen could win the presidential election.”

    Easily sorted.
    Macron: “All right-thinking people will agree with me that…
    Therefore, if you disagree with me, you are not right-thinking, you are therefore wrong-thinking, i.e. insane, and therefore unable to vote.”
    “I therefore win the election, 1 vote to nil”

    Blair tried this line too. I hope it is just as successful for The Macroid.

  4. If you examine Mme Le Pen’s policies and those of President Macaroon, they are very much the same except for two things. Illegal immigration and the EU.

    Mme Le P seems to be more relaxed about Islam than President M

    • She is also a protectionist. Macron came to power promising a Thatcherite reform, something France needs. That went well. Marine Le Pen has no intention of any Thatcherite reforms.

      I suspect that her relaxed approach to Islam is something that would change if she was in power. Especially if there are more Islamic attacks.

      From a UK perspective, she is more likely to be amenable to our post Brexit position than Macron. Frexit would be a bonus.

      • Being realistic, Frexit will never happen, the French are still too shit-scared of the Germans and will stay in whatever club Berlin tells them.

        More likely the EU will be like an onion, it will rot from the outside layers inwards, a process already started with Brexit and may continue with the ex-Soviet states, Greece, Scandinavia etc. perhaps ultimately leaving only the original 6 (plus Ireland of course, who we know can’t manage independently).

        • The French voted 55-45 against Lisbon, so who knows…

          That said, I’m not sure what M Le Pen stands for anymore and her policies are not far from the left in terms of state control of everything. She would be a disaster but maybe that’s what France needs, good and hard.

          She was pathetic against Macron in the debate in the last presidential election. She’s not her father unfortunately (who was a proper classical liberal in terms of economic policies IIRC).

          Cue the horrified comments like Lemaire starting already. 3rd time lucky?

          • France leans heavily towards collectivism. My own experience living there for two year was that it desperately needs reform but the French don’t want it. Hence the recent gilet jaunes protests. It will all end in tears eventually.

            My assessment of Le Pen is that she is not as radical as her father, hence more likely to get elected. As I mentioned earlier, she is a traditional French protectionist, which is probably why she is popular out in the sticks.

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