Evil Under the Sun

These days, we don’t have jackbooted dictators goose stepping and giving straight arm salutes, we have “experts.

LOCKING down entire streets could be a crucial way to keep outbreaks of more transmissible Covid variants under control, an expert has urged.

Dr Jeffrey Barrett, director of the Covid-19 Genomics Initiative at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, said such extreme measures could be the best way forward.

Dr Jeffery Barrett can stick his idea where the sun don’t shine. I will never comply with such insanity. If I have a reason to go out, I’ll damned well go out and nothing will stop me. The risk form this virus is low – about the same as flu. The risk of serious illness leading to hospitalisation is also low. The risk of death is tiny, yet still we have the doom mongers like this idiot peddling project fear like it’s going out of fashion, which for many, it is.

The problem is that we have these nasty authoritarians who, having had so much power this past year, are reluctant to let go of it. For power corrupts and now they will try to hang on to it as it appears to be slipping from their grasp. This is a hideous idea, yet there are people who will look at it and think it is a good thing – if it makes people “safe” then why not? Well, it isn’t a good idea and it doesn’t make people safe. It is at best goddamned stupid and at worst, evil totalitarianism. If I have work to do, I’m going to do it. Time to stop complying. That said, apart from not working because I couldn’t, I’ve ignored all of the absurd rules anyway this past year – no mask, no antisocial distancing and when visiting my father, I’ve gone into his house alongside my sisters and nieces and nephew. And nothing happened. No one got sick, precisely because the risk is low and being thinking adults we were all able to make a sensible assessment of the risk. I’ve only had tests when I needed to go into hospital for a minor procedure. Apart from that I haven’t and won’t. I will not enable this lunacy.

The best place for Barrett and his like is on the end of a length of hempen rope.


  1. I’m more a ceaucescu style trial and execution by the side door person, but the hempen rope would do too.

    • No guns (or very, very few) in the UK but plenty of rope. No shortage of lamp posts too but some assembly required. Simply add one politician and job’s a good ‘un.

  2. How is this even a thought? Do these morons even live in the real world?
    (No, they don’t)

    What good is locking down a street going to do?

    I live on a quiet cul-de-sac. There’s actually, amazingly, quite a good community here. Friendly, help each other out, barbecues in the street on the grass occasionally. Events for kids at Easter, Christmas carols at Christmas… Etc

    But I still only speak to about half of them with any regularity, and even then, most interaction is brief conversations. Because even though we’re all friendly, we still have our own lives, different schedules, different social events. If it’s averaged over the year, is be amazed if it’s more than 5 min a day on average. We’re not rimming each other all the time every night.
    And we’re a social street. Most streets these days, people couldn’t pick their neighbours out of a line up…

    So how is locking down a street meant to help?
    Other than just making sure is plebs know it place?

  3. Just remove one foot from every able bodied citizen. That’ll do it, the NHS isn’t issuing prosthetics these days anyway.

  4. This idea of street lockdowns is utterly daft. We need border lockdowns to deal with nasty new mutations, although RNA viruses tend to get milder re their effects as they change but may become more infectious, just like the common cold of which several strains are Corona viruses. This Barrett guy is an extremist in my opinion.

  5. Where does Barrett live? Perhaps we could start with his street on a month long trial?
    Possible two headlines in the future, “Moronic doctor murdered by his neighbours”, or “Hero doctor declared neighbour of the year by local residents”.
    I wonder which one is more likely?

  6. I did like the juxtaposition of ‘Dr. Jeffrey Barrett’ with the other labels ‘Evil’ and ‘Authoritarian Scumbags’ – I think he deserves to be classified in with the likes of Mengele. A nasty piece of work

  7. Dr Jeffery Barrett echoing Prof Neil “Pantsdown” Ferguson: If CCP China does it we should too. Next he’ll be advocating welding steel plates over their doors and windows. Evil, grotesque people like him need eradication

    No doubt police would happily help Barrett:
    Merseyside Police Smash Down Front Doors for…
    …breaking [allegedly] quarantine rules

    Remember folks, ~1,688 die every day in UK. 10, 100, 500, 1,000 With Covid is nothing – excess mortality is and there has been a mere ripple

    @Dr Evil
    nasty new mutations
    Do shut up with your hysteria you ignoramus

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