Will They Ever Get Over It?

Probably not.

Brexit is a failure: but, to remainers’ frustration, it’s not a spectacular one

It’s been less than a year. I knew full well when I voted to leave that there would be a period of disruption. It was inevitable, but worth it for the long term goal of getting rid of the nasty unelected bureaucracy. A trade off, if you like. I never expected it to be smooth. Yet here we are with the Guardianista declaring after a few months that it is a failure. Ask again in a decade.

As for the risible article, it’s precisely what you would expect from the Guardian – a strawman of epic proportions.


  1. Yes, an amusingly nasty little article, superficially quite reasonable but actually full of suppressed bile. Like you I voted leave because of the undemocratic and unaccountable structure of the EU knowing there would be a rocky period if ‘leave’ won. People like Behr see themselves as part of an elite that knows what is good for the rest of us and for that reason has no real belief in democracy. It’s no wonder they like the EU.

  2. “Brexit is a failure”.

    BRExit has only just begun. That’s like saying “The assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand had little widespread effect” an hour after he died. The implications of BRExit as still rumbling through the UK and EU and although we are out of the technical transition period, there is still a lot to do and a lot that’s not resolved properly one way or another (such as the situation in Northern Ireland).

    In the longer term we’ve got lots of alien legislation on the statute books that is neither use nor ornament. It was a reasonable approach to carry that over in the interim to smooth the transition, but that useless garbage needs to be removed and NOT reimplemented in domestic legislation going forward.

    Where is the “Great Repeal” we were promised?

      • The current “Conservatives” should be sued under the Trades Descriptions Act. When William Hague was going through the Tory rebranding efforts after the 1997 election defeat he was talking about renaming the party to “The Progressives”. At least that would have been more accurate. Personally I see them as little more than “Blue Labour” nowadays and I only vote for them because the ruling SNP in Perth are far, far worse.

  3. What they can’t get over is Margaret Thatcher. It’s only now that the scale of the trauma to those who believe in their own divine right to rule is becoming apparent.

    I am of the opinion that all of the leftist butthurt, and their determination to salt the fields and poison the wells of those who had the temerity to defy them stems from this.

    Hate, hate, hate and to hell with the consequences.

  4. The thing about the left hating Thatcher is that much of the hating is because of the coal mine closures. The fact that labour governments closed more of them doesn’t trouble them, neither does the fact that coal is evil now and that means that she should therefore be one of the good guys.

    Regarding Brexit, I actually enjoy the whining sound that keeps coming from the side that lost. I haven’t noticed much disruption personally since we departed. There was a brief period when I couldn’t seem to get hold of Tiger beer, but it turns out that ours doesn’t actually come from Singapore, it’s brewed under licence in the UK.

    It will also be interesting to see the reaction of other EU states once things settle down, seeing the whole thing fall apart would presumably result in even louder whining.

    • Actually, given the loss of work and devastation that occurred in the old industrial north, I have some sympathy as they have become ghost towns heavily reliant on benefits. No one is interested in what Labour did though.

  5. What did we expect when those that campaigned long and hard to stay were put in charge of the withdrawal. They deliberately screwed it up as a fuck you moment and to show they weren’t at fault to their masters. They salted the earth as much as they could so they could reduce the +ve impacts of Brexit and every -ve impact that they managed to create they point out to us to their satisfaction.

    The bunch of them should be prosecuted for treason.

  6. I’m amazed LR that anyone bothers to read the nasty tacky tabloid that is The Guardian today. With wankers like Owen Jones writing for it you just know how low it has sunk !

  7. The Guardian is quite a loathsome rag. It is Anti British, Anti Western, Anti Male, Anti Christian, Anti White, and Anti Capitalist newspaper.

  8. Well they can hardly discuss the detail of Labour’s policy on… well… anything at all and there’s column inches to fill, so Brexit it is.

    And give them credit at least for that. At least they are saying something about anything, unlike the Labour front bench who all seem to have gone “en vacances”

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