Arrogant Little Tosspot

Who the flying fuck does she think she is?

Greta Thunberg is “open” to meeting with Joe Biden at the United Nations climate summit in Glasgow, though the young Swedish activist does not expect much from either the US leader or the make-or-break summit that runs from 31 October to 12 November.

Words fail me. Who in their right mind would give this ridiculous, moronic teenager the time of day? The narcissism is just oozing from her pores. But, no, the idiots in power have pandered to her delusions and we are to be subjected to ever more of this nonsense. The only world leader who gave her the treatment she deserves was Donald Trump.


    • And the Wee Greeter is just as bad.
      When I see her face, like a bulldog sucking a lemon and chewing a sloe, the song Cape Cod Girls by Baby Gramps on the Rogue’s Gallery double CD comes to mind. Search for a youtube of this.
      Glances to one side. “Great.”

  1. I’ve been so sure that the climate alarmism bubble is surely going to burst any minute now for decades. The thermaggeddon narrative is so obviously not true that I’m baffled that people can’t see it. Those promoting it have now moved from presenting carefully cherry picked data to flat out lying. I actually feel sorry for little Greta, she is being used by some truly horrible people. I wonder if she will live long enough to realise that she was wrong or whether she will double down like the infamous Paul Ehlitch whose prognostications have been failing since T Rex were number one.

  2. I’m sure this is some kind of pathetic attempt to get back at Trump. I remember when, at a previous UN conference, he walked right past her. He probably realised that she was planning to try to humiliate him by snubbing him on a world stage should he try to shake hands with her. He got his retaliation in first.

  3. Today watched a BBC expert state that when the Arctic ice melts the sea level will rise.
    1953 is obviously before “when records began.”
    Pity they cant get a poor Dogger Bankian to tell us how the reckless burning of peat and timber caused UK to separate from Europe mainland and flooded countless cummunidees. Double sin there.

    • Arctic ice is currently above the long term average. The term in question is only around 35 years, the period that we have been using satellite technology to measure it, so not that significant. It does refute the claim that the Arctic ice is in a steady decline, this admittedly brief period of observation show it fluctuating up and down in a totally non alarming way. Also, only land based ice masses can cause sea levels to rise, the ice on Greenland or Antarctica for instance. The effect of the Arctic ice melting would be too small to measure.

  4. Interesting that the sainted Greta’s middle name is Tintin – clearly named after one of the only two famous Belgians, Hercule Poirot & Tintin, both of whom are fictional.
    If she’s being piloted by her parents, that choice of name perhaps hints at their mental state – hardly the best guidance for a troubled teenager.
    Stay tuned, Snowy and the Thompson Twins may appear at any time.

  5. I liked this – which was a summation of the Kremlin outlook on Thunberg – scarcely veiled contempt

    “You want decarbonisation? We will show you decarbonisation,” said Mikhail Krutikhin, a Russian energy veteran at RusEnergy and author of a caustic Moscow blog.

    “The thinking goes: First, we will make you freeze this first winter and cut down gas flows, and then tell me if you need these windmills. You will come back crawling on your knees, begging for help and forgetting about the European antitrust energy laws, and cursing the Swedish student Greta,” he said.‘

    She looks especially creepy to me – like Gollum from the hobbit.

    • I always feel she should be lurking under a bridge. I know we can’t help how we look, but the blank expression in that round face tell of not much going on.

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