Probably Not

I very much doubt that there are that many cretins ready to do so.

And Mr Taylor told the High Court that if he is ‘not put in prison’ today, he will ‘go and block the motorway at the earliest opportunity and will continue to do so until the Government makes a meaningful statement and acts on it’.

He said ‘whatever sentence or sanction’ he was given ‘will be counter-productive and will only serve to fuel the campaign of Insulate Britain’, adding: ‘If you send me away to prison, ten people will step forward in my place.

‘If you send each of us away, 100 people will step forward and take our places. If you send 100 of us away, 1,000 people will step forward to take our place. If you somehow manage to stop all non-violent protests, then things will only turn violent.’

Nah, don’t think so. This is a specialist type of arsehole and although the world is full of stupid people, the vast majority detest what these sanctimonious pricks are doing. So, I don’t see 1,000 people stepping up. I do see 1,000 people or more celebrating this self-righteous jerk being taken off the streets, though.

Also, what they are doing is not non-violent protest is it active disruption of people going about their daily business. No government can concede to this kind of blackmail as it would open the floodgates to every crank organisation to do the same. This is the same principle that the government has when it comes to negotiating with terrorists and hostage takers. You just don’t. Ever.

And I am mildly amused that these people think that attacking ordinary people will somehow win them over to the cause. This is no different to the principle of mass punishment – that is always counterproductive and doesn’t work. Pissing off the British public is always going to be a bad idea, but these people don’t learn. Note, also, that the leader of this bunch of morons isn’t in court himself. These are the useful idiots. Meanwhile, he is walking away scott free having caused the disruption without any personal penalty.

What need to happen here is the maximum sentences in jail and confiscation of assets to drive home the message that blackmail, coercion and bullying of the public is not, and never will be, peaceful protest.

Meanwhile an emotional Mr Roc told LBC radio this morning: ‘I feel terrified – I’m c***ping myself this morning, and I feel like crying. I’ve got all these emotions coming out of me. It seems ridiculous that we’re in this situation.

Self inflicted. No sympathy. Suck it up.

‘What we’re asking the Government to do is just an extremely practical no-brainer thing that they should be doing, and they’re choosing instead to potentially lock us up, fine us, seize our assets.

You aren’t asking them to do anything. You are making demands while creating havoc for ordinary people. This is not asking, it is blackmail. Locking you up is the very least they should be doing.

‘I’m expecting that we might get sentenced maybe today, probably tomorrow. We’ve been told that quite probably we’ll get custodial sentences, so there’s a high likelihood that by this evening I’ll be in a prison cell somewhere.’

Good. Hopefully we will no longer hear anything from you or have to endure your antics on the public highway.

There’s an old saying – if you can’t do the time…


  1. I’ve read quite a lot about the Freethought movement who, around 170 years ago were challenging the stranglehold that the CofE held over public life. When GW Foote was sent down for publishing blasphemous materials he told the judge, “Thank you sir, a sentence worthy of your creed”, he didn’t try to play the victim and whine about it.

    As for Insulate Britain, Isn’t that what the government have been trying to do for at least a decade? They are constantly offering us bribes of our own money to make our houses supposedly greener, they just aren’t getting many takers. As for this guy being a martyr and triggering some kind of mass movement, ha ha, in his dreams.

    • Expensive work done shoddily by cowboys who are little better than the pikey “tarmac your drive” scum.

      If I want to devalue my home then I can do that myself without paying gypos the cost of doing so.

      What I NEED is for the government to get off my back with green taxes and other virtue signalling hogwash.

  2. Meanwhile an emotional Mr Roc told LBC radio this morning: ‘I feel terrified – I’m c***ping myself this morning, and I feel like crying. I’ve got all these emotions coming out of me. It seems ridiculous that we’re in this situation.

    Aren’t these the people who were saying they were so brave and heroic? Were willing to make the sacrifices to raise awareness to save us all?

    Just lol. As soon as the consequences become real, it’s wailing and crying.
    1. Seriously? What has happened to men these days?
    2. More respect* for the man who is deluded and thinking that more will stand up after his sacrifice – no, they won’t but at least he’s not a big p*ssy.

    *still none.

  3. The problem is that these idiots have swallowed the climate alarmism hook line and sinker, they really believe that their irritating protests are all that stand between the uninformed and the end of the world. Fortunately it seems that the current natural warming period is coming to an end, a natural cooling period has already begun. I look forward to the absurd rationalisations that the warmists put forward to explain how reality is doing the exact opposite to the warming that they predicted.

    • They’ve got this far by lying and making up fake stats and bullshit predictions, none of which have ever come true, going back decades.

      Why would they stop now when there are trillions of $/£ at stake to keep the ball rolling ever onward.

      Reality was never a feature.

    • “Aha,” They will say; “incontestable proof that our selfless efforts have borne fruit, and the rise in Global Warming has begun to slow! We must keep on the sacred path, with more of the same to appease Gaia; pass me my best hair shirt!”
      It’s not over yet, sad to say….

  4. It would be interesting, in my opinion, if a group of ordinary people got together and targeted cretins like Liam Payne and stand in front of him, stopping him from doing what he was planning to do. If he moves to the right, the group move to the right, and so on. It would uninteresting to see how long he would accept this before using some kind of force. I am retired, live in my own, and would be happy to take part in something like this, if only the addresses of the leaders of this mob were made public. Treat these morons the same as they treat the public.

    • But that would be a breach of his human rights. Chewie Blair (that was predictive text not me but so good I’ll leave it) will doubtless take up his case……

    • His argument is a strawman. Obstructing the highway has not become an offence punishable by imprisonment. Defying an injunction is what does that.

      I saw the interview and it was absurd, but not as absurd as the hysterical bullshit spouted by this moron.

    • Oh yes we are if we let minority pressure groups like his continue to rule the roost. A

      Personally I think they’re just a bunch of tools. May these over-privileged dickheads enjoy learning not to pick up the soap in the prison showers.

  5. He’s using the word ‘ask’ in the Gordon Brown sense of ‘asking’ people to pay a little more tax.

  6. More Warble Gloaming in the Arctic:
    “Early freeze: Arctic shippers eye release from Russian ice captivity.
    Diesel-powered icebreaker Novorossisk early this week made its way into the Chukchi Sea with course for the ships that are battling to make it out of the sea-ice in the East Siberian Sea.

    The vessels, among them an oil tanker and several fully loaded bulk carriers, have been captured in thick sea-ice in the far eastern Arctic waters since early November as an early freeze took captains and shipping companies by surprise”

  7. So they’ve been jailed for four months each except Taylor who got six months because he’s a bigger twat than the rest. One of them, Emma (not so) Smart says she’s going on hunger strike. Oh, please do. I raised a glass as a toast every time one of the scummy IRA hunger strikers died back in 1981 and I’d do the same if these bastards followed suit.

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