Is It Me?

Or is this woman utterly grotesque?

Katie Price and Carl Woods frolicked in the sea as she showed off her epic new boobs just days before a court hearing.

The ones she had were fine. What is it with people wanting to become caricatures of themselves? As a young woman, she wasn’t bad looking. Now with all the plastic surgery, she is becoming a female version of Michael Jackson. A grotesque. Awful.

Maybe I’m missing something here.


  1. “Maybe I’m missing something here”

    No, you are not. I can still remember when she was a fresh faced Page 3 girl called “Jordan” – I’ve probably got a picture or two somewhere! God knows what persuaded her to embark on one round of boob job after another…

    • Agreed. There are some people who are driven by ‘more’. More boobs, more lip filler, bum implants, more botox, more hair, blonder hair. Initially the early ‘more’ activities are rewarding (more attention, more money, more celebrity). And then they become grotesque in the eyes of ether people but they *cannot* see it themselves.

  2. It’s the face. It has morphed into a grotesque mask. I find it hard to relate what she has now to the original pretty face. I do not believe she can smile, raise an eyebrow, wiggle a nose. Is it botox overkill or has surgery pulled her skin so tight.
    However it is the people who watch her programmes who worry me.

  3. Those ‘epic new boobs’ look like something that has been stuck on with a giant ice cream scoop. With a face resembling a smacked ass.

  4. They say you can’t put lipstick on a pig, but you can…
    But lipstick or not, it’s still a pig. She is so far past ridiculous that she makes bobo the Clown look sensible

  5. Never, ever been a fan. I do wonder why she is in the news though. Light relief? Nothing else of importance going on in the world?

    I do remember someone asking a newspaper editor why they carried so many front page stories and pics of Princess Diana. His reply was “because sales go up by thousands when we do”. Perhaps it is the same.

  6. No, it’s not just you. I find her antics as sickening as those of the chavs who bought a vicious animal which killed their child and are now begging the public for money to bury what’s left…

  7. JuliaM. My thoughts were why didn’t they put the parents down as well.

    Not saying my parenting skills were beyond reproach btw – there are plenty of things I would go back and change if I could…..

    There is a scene in the movie Parenthood where Keanu Reeves, the dopey boyfriend says “You know, you need a licence to own a dog, but anybody can have a kid”

  8. I think that it is harder for women to grow old gracefully than it is for men. I’m a bit wrinkly and bald but I can still kid myself that I’m attractive because I still have a good physique. The problem is more acute for women who depend on celebrity status to make a living.

  9. There are people, often those with very little talent, who have a fleeting brush with fame and are unable to cope with having to return to anonymity. Price is, IMHO, one of these people and goes to more and more extreme measures to remain in the public gaze. I know that these stories about her may sell more news papers but perhaps the press will do us, and her, a favour and allow her to sink back into that well deserved anonymity.

  10. This woman is bankrupt to the tune of £3,200,000 or so – who is paying for the holidays, surgical thrills (she’s got to be some sort of masochist!), lawyer’s fees for the various court appearances, The Priory, the written off cars, etc, etc?
    If her stud marries her, is he likely to become partially responsible for her debts?
    Our American cousins refer to “trailer trash” – I think they might be right in her case.

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