
Stupid question from a stupid writer from a stupid outlet.

What would you do to support the NHS? My mother gave up her festive tipple

The inanity is beyond measure. The stupid, it hurts. Of course, what follows is the usual-hard-of-thinking ‘blame the Tories*’ for it all despite the fact that every government has pissed ever more money into this dreadful organisation and it is still inefficient, wasteful bureaucratic and unfit for purpose.

We pay for this organisation and get a piss poor return. So much so, that I have had to pay for private care, despite having paid for it multiple times over in taxation. So, what would I do to support this wasteful anachronism? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Bugger all. In fact I’d light the torch that burns it to the ground.

*Not that I have any time for the Tories either, but for different reasons.


  1. I notice that, despite being framed as a question, this is yet another Grauniad column that doesn’t allow comments. Wonder why..?

  2. “…despite the fact that every government has pissed ever more money into this dreadful organisation and it is still inefficient, wasteful bureaucratic and unfit for purpose.”

    Maybe some cause and effect going on there. It’s become an inefficient, wasteful bureaucracy BECAUSE successive governments have shovelled ever more money into it?

  3. “What would you do to support the NHS?”

    What, apart from suffering the highest tax burden this country has ever known? It’s not like I have much f**kin’ choice in the matter, is it?

  4. Those people like pointless gestures but never send some extra money to the treasury…

    My family have had the unfortunate privilege to use the French NHS equivalent in recent months. It’s as bad as here.

  5. The NHS killed my mum, nearly crippled the mother of my child and my father, treated other relatives like dirt, misdiagnosed a friends medical condition leaving her on the wrong medication for years and refused to give my child a TB vaccination despite me saying that there were sound reasons for doing so, among other things. So fuck the NHS, fuck it to hell. I’m going to do the square root of sod all to assist the NHS.

  6. My last experience in a large London teaching hospital 3 years ago was so bad I swore if I need any more surgery I will pay.I would never go through that again. Too much to go into but couldn’t care if the NHS collapsed tomorrow.

  7. I keep my self in good shape, moderate my booze intake and have a sensible diet. Rather that to support the NHS this is to minimise my need to interact with it.

    It is no surprise really that a Soviet style healthcare system would have rationed and piss poor services. I suspect that, if everyone’s experiences were as bad as Mr. Fahrenheit211 has experienced maybe they would see the light. The problem is that, some of it is quite good, we get pretty good healthcare in my area and, not having to worry about medical bills is a bigger deal the poorer you are.

    • not having to worry about medical bills is a bigger deal the poorer you are.

      True, but if you can’t get an appointment or in to see a GP or other medical professional, does it matter that it’s free? It does sound better, I’ll give you that. Although, I guess if you are very poor you aren’t paying much in the way of taxes, so even if you get nothing, you aren’t paying heavily for it either.

      Apologies if I have grossly misunderstood the NHS system – I’m a Yank and am mostly basing my understanding off complaints read here and other British blogs.

  8. Well it *is* the Guardian. I don’t know what you think you were expecting as these days it’s no more than a Corbynite/NUS rag with a post masthead.

  9. Talking of laying off the booze made me think about Dry January. I usually over indulge just a little over Xmas and New Year. I make sure that the booze is all gone by December 31st and then lay off for at least a month. It has always irked me slightly that the media made a thing of this and, sort of subconsciously, it felt as though I was joining in. My main exposure to the constant blathering about it was via the radio at work. Since retiring and getting a Spotify account I haven’t listened to the radio at all. Spotify is like having a radio station with no ads, no prattling DJs, no propaganda masquerading as news, only music that you like and, of course, no cack about Dry January.

    Why does auto correct always change than to that? Why do I always fail to notice until it’s too late to go back and edit it?

  10. My daughter said that there is a document in existence from the David Cameron era discussing how to privatise the NHS. Apparently the plan was to deliberately screw it up so badly that the public would end up begging them to privatise it. She says that she knows that it sounds a bit tinfoil hat but believes that the document is somewhere in the public domain. If you found it online I don’t know how could could check that it was genuine. It would explain a lot if it was true.

  11. I did point out that it has been, at best, mediocre for as long as I can remember. It does seem to be worse now than ever. We go to a private dentist, the decision was made at a time when getting into an NHS dentist was nigh impossible. The difference in the quality of service is pretty stark, eg the phoning for an appointment part, phone answered in seconds, appointment set up within a couple of minutes.

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