Scum, Evil Scum

Our government. I despise them completely and utterly. I see that Julia has already picked up on this one, but I’ll add my thoughts here.

Ministers briefly considered ordering all domestic cats in Britain to be killed amid fears they could be spreading Covid, a former health minister has said.

Lord Bethell said the concern about pets underlined how little was known about the disease at the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020.

The fact that these vile creatures even considered it places them on the axis of evil. As to not knowing what we were facing; I knew in February 2020 what we were facing. All it took was a basic understanding of biology, history, evidence, the scientific method and statistics – oh and a cool head. But these evil monsters were panicked by an equally evil press into running around like headless chickens in the face of a perfectly manageable outbreak of a flu-like illness, requiring a pragmatic and proportionate response. The idea that domestic cats were some sort of plague carrier was beyond insane, but ministers considered it.

Lord Bethell told Channel 4 News: ‘What we shouldn’t forget is how little we understood about this disease.

Only because you are a bunch of incompetent morons. It was obvious by the time it got to Europe how it worked and the cohort most at risk, you cretin.

He added: ‘In fact, there was an idea at one moment that we might have to ask the public to exterminate all the cats in Britain.’

‘Can you imagine what would have happened if we had wanted to do that?

‘And yet, for a moment there was a bit of evidence around that so that had to be investigated and closed down.’

It should never have been opened up and the person who did should have been immediately and firmly shut down for being a halfwit.

Of course, this is their usual response – see the mass slaughter of livestock during foot and mouth, destroying not only the animals, but farmers’ livelihoods. Likewise bird flu. Their response is always mass slaughter.

However, while farmers might take the hit, I very much suspect that plenty of pet owners would have resisted. Yes, I know that there were plenty of covidiots who went along with the insanity – and still are, going by the cretins who still wear masks to go shopping – but there are plenty of ordinary people for whom this would have been a line too far. Enough, I suspect to make life very difficult for those charges with the dirty deed.

Given that I did not obey any of their insane, scientifically illiterate scams – oh, sorry , rules – I would have resisted this one. Vigorously. If it meant hiding my animals away somewhere, I’d have done it. I would not have stepped aside while the men from Defra came in and took them away. The government is my enemy and I treat it accordingly. I let it steal my money and generally boss me about for the sake of a quiet life, but I would not stand meekly by while they slaughtered my cats on the altar of their insane junk science.

Scum. Evil scum, the lot of them. Hanging is far too easy an end for them. I’ll have to think of something more creative. The only thing that ever needed culling is the political establishment. I despise them, all of them and wish them nothing but pain, misery and a horrible, tortuous death.


  1. i’m in the high risk group but i certainly wouldn’t let them kill my cat.Though saying that he’s not the easiest cat to handle. Basically he hates being handled. Even the vets don’t like handling him. At the last annual booster visit the vet wouldn’t take him out of the cat carrier and injected him whilst he was still in the carrier. Any attempt to forcibly kill him would involve fighting me off and the cat. The only safe way would be to shoot the cat and me with a shot gun.

  2. My cats were elderly when I read about cats getting covid. As I was concerned they might get ill I decided to keep them indoors. Easy solution. Might have been harder to keep younger cats indoors but it’s amazing how pets adapt.

  3. If I recall my history correctly, during the early medieval plague years, cats were killed because it was thought they might carry the plague. Whereas it was the cats keeping the rats down that protected households from the plague. Superstitious and counter productive.

    Then there was the idiotic practice of nailing people’s door shut if one member of the family caught the plague, thereby condemning the whole family to death. These lockdown style practices helped increase the death count during the various plague outbreaks.

    It seems our political class have learned little since medieval times.

  4. We still have big mogs in various wildlife parks around the country. Throw them in with them, you want to kill cats do you? Well here’s one for you to fight to the death, loser gets to be breakfast.

  5. I am in two minds on this one. I’m not a cat lover but if you are then that’s your choice/preference. I’ll not bother.

    However I am inclined to think that they should have pressed for all cats to be killed. The backlash and uprising would have eliminated the political classes of all descriptions from Westminster down to local councils (who would have relished the insane power trip) plus the Police that would be going door to door to enforce the diktat. I’d be cheering the cat owners on. Lose a few cats and as a definite side benefit, all the politicians? Hmmm … tough on the cats but the overall benefit to society would be, I submit, of immense benefit.

    Stupidity is supposed to have consequences, usually painful and in this case, terminal.

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