1. Well in one sense he’s right. During the lockdowns this wretched Government did criminalise peaceful protest except, in practice, for protests, such as BLM and Extinction Rebellion, that the moron referred to would probably support.

  2. “The moron who created this image thinks they are clever….”

    No, they will have a “degree” in some vital 21st century fad, maybe several, to prove it.

    As for “blaming minorities”, there is a very real minority who are demonized in a way – and this is not hyperbole – that perhaps no other minority in history has been. The sheer scope of things this minority is purportedly responsible for ruining and despoiling, couched in a language of raging, spitting fury that would make a rabid red guard blush.

    I’m one, as I suspect are most contributors here.

    White men of course, particularly those of a certain vintage.

    Well, just wait 20 years or so and all we’ll all be gone. Then they’ll get the “rainbow nation” they all deserve.

  3. Since Fascism and socialism are both cheeks of the same arse, I’m struggling to see what the point is. Under an earlier post there was a definition of classic liberalism which pretty much summed up my political position. So let them compare the current Conservative party to the Nazis, some of the accusations there are actually true, I hate the Conservative party as much as they do.

    • As I saw mentioned elsewhere, the Nazis believed in universal healthcare funded via the state.

      The BNP manifesto has always Been remarkably similar to that of Labour, which is no surprise to anyone paying attention.

      Of course, there will be comparisons, but they aren’t comparable. Nor are such comparisons helpful.

      Like you, I’ll never vote for these charlatans, but they ain’t Nazis.

      • A copy of The Beveridge Report was sent by Nazi bureaucrats to Adolf with their assessment that some of the aspects of it were better than the German system of social welfare and should be adopted.

        Copies were also distributed as propaganda over Occupied Europe by the RAF.

  4. Socialist organisation preaches Diversity Inclusion Equality.
    Socialist organisation forces you with threats to pay it money for owning piece of equipment.
    Socialist organisation pays Socialist an obscene amount of money for reading aloud.
    Socialist organisation and Socialist arrange payment to minimise tax paid by organisation and Socialist.
    Socialist complains government is not good Socialist like him and Socialist organisation.
    Ahh, now I understand…

  5. I’m fairly sure there was no ‘Human rights legislation’ in either Weimar or Wilhelmine Germany. As most of it stems precisely from the Second World War and I’m fairly sure those responsible for setting it up were they still alive would be appalled at how it’s been abused by bad actors.

    It’s news to me that this government criminalised the Roma and Traveller way of life- try getting the police to move them on should they appear in your vicinity and they’ll soon have found something else to do.

    To call this facile is an understatement – leaving aside the socialist roots of much Nazi ideology.

  6. I am pretty sure that the immigrant Hitler didn’t say that immigrants caused all problems in Germany.
    Although of course he would have been right.

    • Yes, Adolf was an Austrian and only became a German citizen on February 25, 1932, but given the annexation of Austria he was simply a member of the Greater German Reich.

      Lots of “Technically”‘s thrown around there and the annexation of Austria was illegitimate, even if post-facto “Legal”

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