Jibby Jabby Jibby

Oh, my God, here we go again.

Covid will “continue to surprise us”, England’s deputy chief medical officer has warned ahead of another tricky winter for the NHS.

Dr Thomas Waite says the disease does not yet behave in a seasonal way, making it less predictable than other winter illnesses.

This statement makes no sense. If it’s a seasonal illness, it will peak during the winter months, ergo, it is predictable. If it is not a seasonal illness, it will grumble about throughout the year. Covid appears, on the face of it, to be the latter. So what? It’s now endemic, so get used to it.

He encourages anyone eligible for the free flu and/or Covid vaccine to get the jabs and protect their health.

I’m sure. I had three nagging texts before they gave up.

Last year the flu vaccine stopped 25,000 people from being hospitalised.

Did it? How do you know? Prove it. Name some of these people. Or is it just one of those wild figures plucked from your arse?

Covid has behaved in an entirely predictable fashion. Like other coronaviruses, it has become more infectious but less virulent. Sure, some people are likely to be nudged on their way if they get it but that’s no different to flu. We all have to die sometime and as we become elderly and frail, respiratory infections are as likely a cause as any. But for the rest of us, it’s an inconvenience, nothing more. It does not justify the constant attempts by the government, the charlatans in SAGE – independent or otherwise, the media or the medical profession to scare the pants off us. I refuse to be scared. A pox on all their houses. And, no, I’m not having an entirely unnecessary vaccination for something that I’m unlikely to get, or if I do, will be a case of go to bed, drink plenty of fluids and take paracetamol. FFS!


  1. All those who had flu symptoms were diagnosed as having Covid-wxyz, where wxyz represent random numbers, letters, symbols plucked from an online password generator.
    This satisfied two requirements – the previous flu vaccine was the best one ever, so have some more, and higher numbers of Covid sufferers proved that our government was not wasting its / our money on some Frankansteinian goo that has to be stored at a temperature below minus 220C.
    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice……….
    Or is it more ominous?
    Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.
    So who are the enemy?

  2. The Black Broadcasting Craperation has two jobs;
    1) to show on our TV screens every black person it can find in the world and
    2) to pay an ex footballer a ridiculous amount of money to loudly voice its criticisms of a Tory Government and therefore shelter the BBC from any blame.

    Propaganda is just a sideline…

  3. It was a seasonal disease but I wonder whether the “vaccines” screwed things up is an unknown way.

    That said, it’s almost certain that it has been engineered and as usual when smart people, who are not as smart as they think, try to play God, unintended consequences will happen.

  4. They’ve been sending t’mrs and me texts offering our very own 2 for 1 winter jabs as they now call them, they can stick those where the sun don’t shine just like all the previous death jabs.

    The usual suspects at work and aquainatances have started testing again, i don’t say a word because once i start the last 3 years of utter disappointment in my own countrymen is going to gush forth, let them get on with it and if they want a jab in each arm and another in each arse cheek well fill yer boots, couldn’t give a monkeys any more for fools.

    • I’m much the same. I held back an awful lot of anger over that debacle and when I see someone wearing a face nappy, my blood starts to boil. When it’s someone close, all you can do is contain it for the sake of peace. Oh, and they can fuck their 2 for 1 jabs where the sun don’t shine.

  5. Being in the Fascist Republic of Porridgetopia, I found a letter from NHS Scotland on the doorstep when I returned from holiday in France.

    Not just an “invitation” but a full on appointment that I’ve repeatedly refused and didn’t ask for this time either.

    Fortunately online cancellation has been added since last year, so getting rid of this thing (at least temporarily) was relatively easy.

    Determined to increase our “COVID” side-effects rate though, clearly.

  6. My wife and I ignored their texts, though she will arrange for a ‘flu jab. I keep telling her it is last year’s strain but to no avail. But she did listen to me diatribe on the dangers of mRNA injections.

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