Alexander Pope Or possibly Samuel Coleridge (both have been credited with it) wrote this little ditty and as an explanation of the logic fail in the following video clip it says everything.
Sir, I admit your general rule,
That every poet is a fool.
But you yourself may prove to show it,
Every fool is not a poet.
Now watch the video. This moron is conflating Marxism and atheism, but as I pointed out in the comments below the piece, every Marxist may be an atheist, but not every atheist is a Marxist. As for the idea of a Christian theocracy to replace wokesim, words fail me. The man is a fool. A sixth form debating society has more understanding of reason and logic, so he certainly doesn’t ‘rip apart’ anything, he merely makes a fool of himself. Fucking hellski.
He is a politician pandering to his base… but even in the USA the grip of religion is (slowly) waning.,Buddhists%20%E2%80%93%20totaled%20about%206%25.
Will Marxism or Socialism take over? Probably not for it carries the seeds of its own destruction.
Quite so, but the logic fail is staggering. I’m disappointed that Dolan didn’t call him out on it. Frankly, with friends like this, we don’t need enemies.
An ad hominem attack on atheists, individually and collectively.
It’s quite remarkable how much of the generic body of argument for a god(s) or religion(s) is seldom anything other.
It can sometimes be quite subtle, but this ain’t!
I’m an atheist but I am also about as far from being a communist as it is possible to get. I think that government should be restricted to the minimum level that is practical for a functioning society. There should be the least level of government interference in people’s lives as possible. Taxes should be kept to the lowest level possible and what the left like to call essential services should be all that taxpayers’money is spent on. Obviously that is an oversimplification but that is my basic position.
I think that the spread of atheism in the US owes a lot to the early days of the internet. Many atheists were very well informed about religion, particularly Christianity and they put their knowledge out there. The real fun came when Christians would seek out atheist websites and start evangelising. Most of these folk were woefully unprepared for any kind of reasoned debate, some would lose their tempers and get themselves banned, some would make fools of themselves and by doing so make the case for atheism stronger and some would end up changing sides. Taking the Anglosphere as a whole, when the subject of religion comes up in comment threads, the religious seem to be very much in a minority.
Hope you don’t find this poetic ditty foolish:
“From the river … to the sea … rape and slaughter all who flee.”
How anyone can blather on about reality whilst talking about their imaginary sky fairy is nearly beyond parody.