England’s chief medical officer Professor Sir Chris Whitty has told the Covid inquiry that the first lockdown in March 2020 was imposed “a bit too late”.
But he said the government had “no good options” at the time.
Public health issues – such as loneliness, depression and the risk of aggravating poverty – meant it was important to be cautious, he said.
It meant there was a risk of going too early as well as going too late.
There should have been no lockdown. Covid was not as dangerous as they made out. We knew before it got here that it was no more fatal than seasonal flu. The lack of natural immunity suggested that those most vulnerable should shield. Otherwise, let it rip was the best option. Yet fuckwits like this moron still think locking us down was a good idea.
Hang him. Hang him high.
And he said: “Even at the height of the pandemic, more people died of causes not Covid than died of Covid.”
Well, duh! We knew that at the time. Fucking Hellski!
“Even at the height of the pandemic, more people died of causes not Covid than died of Covid.”
Odd then that lockdown could have been too late. Lockdown surely was the cause of the causes. As many opined, the cure can’t be worse than the disease.
I have to confess I thought an abundance of caution was wise very early in, but checking stats you could see that mortality was dropping before lockdown had time to make an impact.
Even as they were implementing it, their own stats were telling us that the worst was over. Idiots.
If it wasn’t clear at the beginning of lockdown, it was certainly clear after two or three months of “three weeks to flatten the curve” that the virus was most dangerous to the old and infirm and a slight inconvenience to most of the rest of the populace. The old and decrepit, such as myself, should have been advised (and assisted if necessary*) to protect themselves, the rest should have been encouraged to get back to normal.
* Not special pleading. The only assistance I needed was access to supermarket delivery services.
And even without the stats, there was an agreed plan (which Sweden followed). It did not include lockdowns.
None of those responsible are giving an honest account to the inquiry. It’s all arse covering and rewriting history to suit their own agenda. As expected, the state has made sure the terms of reference and the chair are not going to come up with anything near the real truth.
There should have been no lockdown. Covid was not as dangerous as they made out. We knew before it got here that it was no more fatal than seasonal flu
Correct. I concluded this a month before lockdown by a quick analysis of normal country mortality data. Nothingburger, Keep Calm and Carry On As Normal. Posted this on @TW’S blog and ~90% agreed
Turned out it was Less fatal than seasonal flu and WHO admitted so in Nov 2020, but continued the fear porn
Could you please give a link to that.
A Pcar post on Tim Worstall’s blog around Feb 25 2020; “Nothingburger” may help
Around then I was mostly posting on Hector Drummond’s blog, then helping Lockdown Sceptics (now Daily Sceptic)
This farcical “enquiry” might as well shut up shop – it’s entirely clear what their conclusion is going to be, and it’s also entirely clear that they decided it before the enquiry even began.
They are not enquiring at all, they are just indulging in policy-based evidence making.
Save the money, send them all home today.
I’ve just done the big shop at Asda this morning. It was fairly quiet, one masked moron in attendance.
One problem with such inquiries is that the people doing the investigation are limited by those that set the scope of the inquiry. If they are told to investigate if procedures were followed correctly or if emergency measures to buy up face masks regardless of the cost was done in a timely manner then that is all they can comment on.
A variation of “He who pays the piper calls the tune” but with lots of taxpayers money wasted on it where the taxpayers have no control over what the tune is.
@Peter MacFarlane
This farcical “enquiry” might as well shut up shop
Time to Halt the Covid Inquiry Pantomime
. By Dr Carl Heneghan and Dr Tom Jefferson
See also: Telegraph