Would You Say That to an Imam?

If not, take your double standards and stick them up your arse.

A volunteer police officer told a Christian singer that she was ‘not allowed to sing church songs outside of church grounds’ – before sticking her tongue out at her.

Gospel singer Harmonie London, 20, regularly performs worship music to passing shoppers on Oxford Street and has more than 300,000 subscribers on YouTube.

But she was stopped by a Metropolitan Police special constable and told: ‘No miss, you’re not allowed to sing church songs outside of church grounds, by the way.’

That someone so unschooled in the law should be allowed to police others is absurd. This twat clearly knows nothing. Yes, it is perfectly lawful to sing church songs outside of church. Now fuck off.

But the officer continued to insist that Harmonie could not sing ‘outside of church grounds unless you have been authorised by the church to do these kind of songs’.

The ignorance here is off the scale.

She then accused the officer of ‘laughing’ while she was walking away. The officer then stuck her tongue out.

As is the professionalism. If this woman is a volunteer special, then she needs to be kicked out forthwith.

Among those hitting out at the video was former Conservative minister Ann Widdecombe, who called for the officer to be ‘struck off from the voluntary force’.

Ann Widdecombe is correct.


  1. At least she didn’t tazer her, or smack her about then claim she ‘fell down the stairs’.

    Police are scum in my book. Yes, all of them. To be avoided like the plague. Just the military wing of the Labour party.

  2. Presumably, as England’s official Church, it’s the CofE that you need to apply to for your licence to sing religious songs in the street? As a non conformist organisation, do the Salvation Army know that they need this approval? Am I in contravention of the rules when listening to J.S. Bach in my car?

    • No license required. It’s called the freedom to speak one’s opinion. Like it or not.

      Refer to a a bloke called John, around 1215

      • You are aware that Magna Carta was repealed around six months later? Despite another couple of subsequent attempts to revive it, all that remains in English law is the principle of Habeas Corpus. Freedom of speech certainly didn’t apply in 1215. Indeed, it was likely to end up with you dangling from a noose.

  3. Don’t start me about Specials…………the only decent ones are the ones who are having a look before they join. The older ones doing it “for the community” are the dangerous buffoons. They have boring lives and this is a power trip for them. My real gripe is that they would come in once a month for example, cause chaos for us proper officers and then book off and leave me with the paperwork.!!!

    • Lol, proper officers.

      Thank you for your service, nob hea’&ve got a bigger badge than him’ lol.

      Piss off, don’t you realise how much contempt the average citizen (subject actually) hold you in?

      Thriving, lying, raping, even murdering scum. A few bad apples? Nah, a few good ones, that either get corrupted or resign

      Rotten to the core.

      • Have you asked every average citizen their opinions? No I haven’t either so I don’t make sweeping statements. My opinion is that the majority of decent people support us despite the constant criticism. You are allowed to disagree of course.

    • Well, the ‘Daily Mail’ has done the due diligence on this Karen-with-a-badge’s social media and career history that really should have been done by the police before hiring her, jaded.

      And I cannot see how anyone could think an ex-barista would be a good match. Perhaps someone on the interview panel got it confused with ‘barrister’?

      • Because Specials work for free the entry requirements are even lower than usual unfortunately. Like PCSO’s there’s a large amount of ethnics to make up the percentage of them that the govt promised to implement.

  4. One photograph shows a male PC stood behind the Special numpty. Was he a Special too, or a warranted officer? If the latter, he should have stepped in and de-escalated the situation, taking the numpty to one side for ‘re-education purposes. There are some good Specials, but a lot of them are like CSOs, as much use as a chocolate fireguard. She should be told her services are no longer required and escorted from what currently is replacing a Police station.

  5. It’s not just this individual PCSO, it’s an attitude that pervades the ‘service’ and most of the authorities in this country. I say that because this PCSO must have picked up that attitude from those around her.

    And no, she wouldn’t have said it to a mohammedan. Nor would any warranted officer do that.

  6. Now the inevitable’investigation’ has begun into her conduct and the ‘she was wrong on the law’ statement has been wrung unwilling from the Met’s PR department, I think she’ll have to go back to asking customers if they want semi skimmed or soya pretty soon…

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