Glorious Irony

A pompous cycling activist has been hoist by his own petard.

A cyclist who reported a driver for using a mobile phone at the wheel has been taken to court after it appeared he was on the wrong side of the road – on his own footage.

Dave Clifton saw a Range Rover driver holding a phone when he was cycling through Belgravia, London, and he made sure to film the incident on his helmet camera.

The 56-year-old submitted the video to the police – but they claim he had been cycling on the wrong side of the road.

Clifton has been charged with riding a cycle on a road without due care and attention after officers claimed he could ‘pose a danger to other road users’.

You would need a heart of stone. Okay, well, I laughed. While people using mobile phones have caused me problems on the road, at least I am obeying the rules of the road. This jerk thinks that it’s a case of rules for thee, but not for me. That he has discovered otherwise is somewhat satisfying. Now, where’s that tiny violin?


  1. For the sake of economy real tiny violins have been retired and replaced with a digital version: ?

  2. When I’m out riding or driving I always think of that bit in the Lord’s Prayer, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that trespass against us. Nobody is a perfect driver, we all make mistakes, that is why we shouldn’t be all self righteous about other people’s mistakes. OK, driving while using a mobile phone is more than just a simple mistake but Mr. Cyclist has just been reminded that he is far from perfect too.

    • When teaching new riders, that is exactly the approach I teach. We are all capable of getting it wrong, so getting all self-righteous is hypocritical and serves no useful purpose.

  3. I understand the cyclist caused a motorcyclist (+pillion) who was filtering to swerve because of his actions during this incident hence the prosecution

  4. The unfairness is that there are inadequate sanctions against the cyclist – he has no license to which points can be applied, he cannot lose his ‘licence’, he cannot be compelled to take a cycling test, he cannot be made to pay for a so-called safety awareness course, his (non-compulsory) insurance premium will not increase as a result. Those sanctions would apply, often rightly, to erring motorists, but such pedal-vermin get away with it.

  5. It always disturbs me when any thing is written about cyclists on the internet the level of bile that practically drips of the screen from motorists – case in point mudplugger – Cyclists are not vermin in any way. You are probably a motorist who doesn’t give a jot for any other roaduser . I might be vermin in your eyes when i use my bike instead of my car but you’ll be an arsehole 24/7. My apologies Mark but people like mudplugger grind my gears.

    • Our knee-jerk cyclist above clearly omitted to read the word ‘such’, which separated vermin-cyclists from the rest.
      Vermin-cyclists are those who do not appreciate the privilege of courteously sharing road-space with others, instead occupying some virtue-signalling space in their own selfish heads – a simple task because there’s lots of vacant space in there.
      Sensible motorists care about sensible cyclists, pedestrians, horse-riders et al, we’re all in this together. Vermin, however, should be eradicated.

  6. Apologies mark – not wishing to get into an argument with someone who i believe is a complete arsehole . No cyclists are vermin, but then again i doubt that he shows any respect to any other road user. I used to find these people dangerous when i used to ride motorcycles but now as a cyclist i find them incredibly dangerous. If this halfwit knew any basic history about the building of roads in the uk he’d know that cyclists who are allowing car drivers to share the roads as mosts roads were built for cyclists not cars. No doubt the retort about road tax and insurance is on the tip of his tongue. I’ll sign off here because i’m falling into Mark Twains trap – never argue with an idiot , they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.-And boy is this arsehole an idiot.

  7. theres been several books published about this. in this case you need to educate yourself -,or%20leisure%20time%20for%20them.%22

    on a final point re mudplugger – each year motorists kill 100s of cyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists and other vulnerable road users. they injure thousands , many left with life changing injuries, yet the problem is cyclists who should be murdered as they go about their business. that’s what’s exterminated means.

    • So EVERY death on the road is the fault of a motorist?

      Thanks for clearing that up, it explains your attitude completely!

  8. As you say, don’t argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

    But if all you can do is parrot one incredibly partisan book/viewpoint, I’m not sure you even qualify for that consideration

    However, if you do take time to read the original piece, it was about an arrogant lycra moron hoist by his own petard.

    The laws of the road, as far as I can see – and there are many applicable to pushbikes – simply are not enforced in any meaningful way.

    Hence we get morons like this. THAT is what I object to. It’s why cretins like this can cause carnage massively out of proportion to their numbers, and they get ALL pushbike riders a bad name.

    If you do find yourself paying tax, having to carry insurance and take a test, this will be why.

    Going back to our moron, he pretty well metaphorically beat the police about the chops, and forced them to charge him, something they would not otherwise have dreamt of doing.

    I don’t think a lot of reckless and incompetent road users but I know that they will run headfirst into the law sooner or later and will suffer the consequences.

    Get on a pushbike and the only justice that seems to apply – as here – is poetic.

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