International Law

Vlad’s Soviet style election is in breach of international law.

Putin’s rule is authoritarian, he relies on censorship, repression & violence. The ‘election’ in the occupied territories of Ukraine is null and void & another breach of international law.

All so good until we get to the part about international law. There really is no such thing. Some countries have decided on it and presumably they agree to abide by it. However, not all countries will belong to that particular club and they will stick two fingers up at the idea that they should obey ‘laws’ they didn’t agree to. They aren’t in this club and are not obliged to play by its rules.

Sure, Vlad is an old Soviet and no one really thinks that his election to another term in office was free or fair. But it is an internal matter and it is up to the Russian people to do something about it. Unless some international police force plans to feel his collar. No? Thought not. So it’s bollocks then.


  1. The bastard. He should learn from the US and do what they are doing to Trump and then fiddle the election results at the election. That seems to be perfectly legal.

  2. Now waiting for some Western world political numpty to suggest that this election result not be recognised, and then the shit really will hit the fan.
    Apparently, there was talk of international observers ensuring that the election was run properly, but when advised that they should book ground floor hotel rooms, so that when they accidentally fell out of the window, they wouldn’t have far to fall, no one volunteered to go.

  3. I really did laugh out loud this morning when driving the car to a hospital appointment. I listened to the 7am news on the BBC. The Biden and White House claimed that the Russian elections were not fair, the there was rigging of the polls, that opponents were put in gaol, etc. Then I remembered what they were doing to Donald Trump…….

  4. “Putin’s rule is authoritarian, he relies on censorship, repression & violence.”

    Will the International Law Police be taking a look at Canada then?

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