The stupid, it hurts.
A councilwoman is facing calls to resign from her role after she shared an “offensive” meme on social media which seemingly mocked Easter.
Paula Gilligan, a councilwoman in New Jersey, sparked controversy last week after she shared the meme which referenced drag and abortion to her Instagram account. The meme said: “Easter eggs are aborted chicken babies that are painted in drag for small children to worship. Happy Easter.”
The eggs are unfertilised. Ergo, they are not chicken babies, you stupid bint. If you are going to share a meme, you need to consider a couple of points. It needs to be funny and reflect a truism. This cack is neither. As usual, the left can’t meme. Oh, and she is an idiot. Just thinking about her lowers my IQ by several points.
“Personhood language refers to legal language that would codify the dangerous notion that from the moment of fertilisation, an egg should be legally recognized as a person with full constitutional rights. This legislation supports an extremist political position that I disagree with. It is my personal opinion that people have the right to control their bodies and their lives.
Just not the unborn child, of course…
Bet she’s first in the line to criticise anyone mocking Ramabang, sorry, Ramadan
“It is my personal opinion that people have the right to control their bodies and their lives.”
It’s funny how the hard-of-thinking idiots like this didn’t have this same attitude when it came to the corona “vaccines”. Those of us who refused these experimental treatments were being irresponsible, and should have been forcibly injected against our wills. What happened to bodily autonomy when it came to the “vaccines”? Hypocrites.
“It is my personal opinion that people have the right to control their bodies and their lives.”
This is the sort of thinking that leads to surgically mutilated men being allowed hormone treatment so they can breastfeed their grandchild.
I think that calling this thinking is being generous, brightly painted eggs are the same as drag queens, seriously? Not knowing basic biology is just normal for any kind of politician, it is just the kind of stupidity that we have come to expect.