A Villain

Villain or saint?

Cycling vigilante Cycling Mikey is considered the bane of London’s roads due to his holier than thou antics.

However, in a shocking video from April the pedalling pest revealed that he too was a law breaker.

He confessed to jumping a red light – telling haters: ‘So what? I’ll pay the fine!’

Mike Van Erp, 52, who is better known by his YouTube moniker, rides through London with his GoPro as he attempts to catch drivers users on their phones – before confronting them on video and taking their number plate.

Personally, I despise these self-appointed snitches. They encourage Stasi behaviour. Cycling Mikey epitomises the kind of arrogant, self-righteous, holier-than-thou scumbag that leads us to the likes of Jeremy Vine, who is arguably even worse. These people are appalling. Nasty, self-obsessed clickbaiters. I see atrocious driving on a daily basis – usually, people who cannot be bothered to wait for a rider on L plates, so cut us up or overtake dangerously. What I don’t do is record the incident and put it on YouTube. That’s because I am not a self-righteous cunt, nor am I a Stasi snitch. Yes, some of the driving they report is bad, but I would rather that than have our streets policed by cunts like this with their Go Pros spying and reporting every minor infraction. These, after all, are the kind of curtain twitchers who, five years ago, were reporting their neighbours for walking the dogs. Scum of the Earth.

So, yes, the DM gets it right – a villain.


  1. Might not be too bad if he was squeaky clean and followed all the rules he polices. That he’s two faced about it suggests he’s just doing it to be a twat to people.

  2. These cunts always operate in the soft south. Try this stunt in Spennymoor and see what happens when you face some regular normal people.

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