Pompous Arse Alert

Lord Kerr

A pro-EU peer has said the UK needs immigration because native Britons are “bloody stupid”, provoking a backlash fromEurosceptics and the right-wing press.

Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, who co-wrote Article 50, said Britain needed “an injection of intelligent people from outside”, and claimed the Leave campaign won the referendum only by “cleverly outsourcing xenophobia and racism”.

Speaking at an event organised by the Institute for Government, Lord Kerr said: “In my view, immigration is the thing that keeps this country running.

“We native Brits are so bloody stupid that we need an injection of intelligent people, young people from outside who come in and wake us up from time to time.

Given such vacuous idiocy, I can only assume that he is putting himself forward as an example to demonstrate his assertion. Unfortunately, the stupid are unable to comprehend those who are more intelligent. In Kerr’s case, that’s just about everyone.


  1. “Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, who co-wrote Article 50…”

    Hopefully, too stupid to have cleverly inserted clauses that would make it impossible to leave.

    I really don’t get this ‘we need immigrants’ lark. If too few indigenous babies are being born and too few of those grow up to be useful, that can only be as a result of government policy. Of course, if Lord Kerr’s right then our government is also comprised of the stupid.

  2. Who is this pillock think that he is to call me stupid anyway? I suspect that he has never had to apply himself to earning a living. I have had to learn about the workings of complex electro-pneumatic systems to do my job, how they work, and more importantly why they sometimes don’t. In any case, I suspect that the proportion of intelligent and less intelligent people is the same all over the world.

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