Tough Call

He said Mrs May had a choice to either ‘insult the American president, or insult a majority of people in this country who don’t share that president’s views on practically any issue you care to mention’.

Mr Rees added: ‘He (Mr Trump) thinks one way about women, most people in this country don’t share that view. He thinks one way about Muslims, most people don’t share that view.

“She’s got a choice: she can either insult him, or us.’

Given that you don’t actually represent the view of the majority of people in this country (40,000 people on a march out of a population of 60 million who stayed at home, worked or otherwise did something productive with their time), it’s a simple call really – it’s insult you.


  1. I can only presume that tossers like this have nothing better to do than to adopt the mantle of “voice of the scruff”

  2. Well i’ve zoomed in and scanned the pics, and nope i can’t find the sole working bloke in his overalls nor the lone working woman in her smock/uniform, presumably they were hard at work today or if a day off busy sorting the usual stuff out ready for back on shift.

    Typical bloody identikit mob with sod all better to do, bringing the next indentikit generation with them i see, edjukaiting (brainwashing) the little uns on correct four letter speeling too so some good may come of it.

    These people do not represent me either, i can only applaud the people of the USA for having the good common sense and courage to not do as they were told and instead elected a patriot who wants the best for those same people and the country as a whole, why is that so difficult to achieve here in Blighty when we do our best to elect traitors time after time.

  3. I think when President Trump comes over on his official visit, I’m going to take the day off. And maybe even go line the streets and cheer.

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