

Manchester Piccadilly railway station has reopened after about 100 protesters stormed the railway lines.

Campaigners blocked the tracks and some tried to climb overhead line equipment, National Rail said.

Crowds of people thought to be opposed to Turkey’s war with Syrian Kurds held banners which read “stop Turkey from helping ISIS terrorists”.

And this helped the Kurds how, exactly? It was nothing more than facile virtue signalling and in the process inconvenienced travellers for no good purpose. As for trying to get on the tracks or the OLE, I’d let them and they can take the consequences. You only get to touch the OLE once. Let Darwin sort ’em out. Fuckwits.

What is it with these activists who think that every one else should be inconvenienced as a consequence of their stupid little protest? The right to protest is fine, but don’t make others suffer for it. Do it somewhere quiet where no one is inconvenienced by your rowdy behaviour.

And, yes, I agree that the Kurds are getting a tough deal, but storming Manchester Piccadilly station ain’t gonna change anything. That just tells the world you are an immature moron.

It’s worth pointing out here that if a rail company causes delay, they pick up the tab. I suggest the same approach is taken with these twats. Give them the bill for their disruption and sue them through the courts if necessary.


  1. I’ve long thought that if the global warming crap had actually been true, building lots of nuclear power stations and electrifying railways would have made far more difference than building hundreds of worthless windmills. Electrified railways have the additional advantage of potentially ridding the world of a significant number of mindless idiots.

  2. Joke of it is that if one of those protesters ,clothed in that armour of self-righteousness that can stop a speeding train apparently, did touch the power line or injured themselves in any other way, they would sue the Railway…and win no doubt.

  3. Agree all the way. I remember a few years ago the Plane Stupid morons disrupted the approaches to Heathrow, causing some people to miss their flights. I seem to recall they were prosecuted but didn’t have to pay the true cost of their irresponsibility. Fuck ’em.

  4. These sound like the same bunch of twerps who used to protest outside the old BBC buildings on Oxford Road. They seemed to think it a worthwhile exercise, but it actually consisted of a crowd of nitwits part-blocking the road and shouting at offices where everyone had gone home hours ago.

    As the protesters insisted in shouting in Arabic, they managed to add incomprehensibility to stupidity.

    A fundamental problem for any protest group and indeed for any terrorist group is publicity; they not only have to do things, but they also have to get the message of why they are doing these things over to the population that they are trying to persuade/frighten. Most of these sorts of groups haven’t worked that out yet and as a result manage to get themselves labelled as vermin.

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