And So It Starts

The purge is on. The Donald has been banned from pretty much all social media. I did expect this when he left the White House, whether it was this year or 2025. They were always going to strike unless they had been brought to heel somehow.

They are also turning on the alternatives such as Parler. Again, Parler’s existence so far was always going to be borrowed time. It is either comply with the draconian wishes of the big tech or get yeated. So yeated it is. Gab has already been subjected to this and has had to adapt to the wilderness becoming ever more creative to sidestep attempts to crush them.

One of the strengths the big boys have is the ability to control what people put on their phones. Sure, you can install stuff that doesn’t come through the approved app stores, but for many (most) people this is too much effort and trouble. As with the platforms set up to compete with big tech, these alternatives need to have their own app store so that people can just log in and download.

How difficult this is, I cannot say, for I simply do not have that level of technical expertise.

Gab has had to create its own browser to overcome the Google ban on its Dissenter plug-in. That said, I use Vivaldi and it works with that, but Google and Mozilla have banned it because they are opposed to the free speech principle.

Now that Sleepy Joe is to enter the White House and Trump is to be expunged and a pogrom instituted against him and his supporters, that will spread to anyone who is not in lockstep with the new (not so new) totalitarian ideology. Biden might not be particularly extreme, but that is of no consequence. He may well not be there very long anyway and even if he is, the dark underbelly of the Democratic party will be doing its worst and Sleepy Joe will do nothing to stop them.

If dissenters wish to be able to express themselves and organise, alternatives are now increasingly necessary. These people are drunk on their newfound power and stamping out the alternatives is a priority for them.

You only have to look at the persecution of Andrew Torba. For the crime of starting up Gab and refusing to expunge disapproved voices, he has not only been deplatformed and refused access to payment facilities but that ban has been extended to his family.

Everything is political now whether you like it or not. When banking services become politicised as PayPal has, they have immense power. As cash becomes increasingly sidelined, the ability to survive without payment facilities becomes increasingly difficult and is a useful tool in the armoury of those who would suppress dissent. The media is fully on-board with this. They have become so unreliable that nothing they say can be taken as factual without checking for oneself by going to the source. If you do and disseminate it, then you are “spreading disinformation” as the CCP would say.

Truly, we live in interesting times.


  1. With the collapse of the Soviet Union I naively believed that socialism was dead, that no sane person would be able to still convince themselves that it was a good idea. What it actually meant was that those few remaining socialists realised that they needed to bypass democracy if they were to ever get their way. In those thirty odd years they seem to have succeeded in doing exactly that. Who would have imagined during the Thatcher years that the Conservative party would become indistinguishable from Labour? Pushing policies that nobody wants but able to gain power anyway because there are no alternatives available? The situation in the US is far worse. They do have an alternative but the left have been allowed to cheat with impunity because their establishment is so United against Trump that they are not interested in holding the criminals to account. I have a feeling that those who have failed in their duty in this matter will live to regret their duplicity, they think that the crocodile (alligator?) Will eat them last.

  2. Well, over the pond they still have the right to bear arms. I have a feeling that this could get very unpleasant.

    The left have always tubthumped for removal of said right, and should they try and press for that which is a logical step in the near future, then I don’t think I would want to live in the US.

    Republicans of course are quite fond of guns and sales did increase I think prior to the election.

    Could get messy.

  3. Big tech are only damaging themselves – over the past 24 hours the share price of Twitter has hit the deck. Gab is ordering extra servers to accommodate the exodus. Big tech’s only option now would be to kick the apps off their app stores, but that will do little, because as I know only too well, software of any ilk is just as easy to download and install from a web site, message board or even a link in a comment section.

    Gab are now in a position to give Twitter the finger. There is absolutely nothing that Dorsey, Apple or Google can do. An independent platform such as Gab can never be free from censorship until they own their servers – Gab did that a while ago – they own everything they run on, so they are unstoppable.

    Youtube can’t do anything about Bitchute, because Bitchute runs on a decentralised P2P network like Bit Torrent. It does not require servers.

    Parler, on the other hand, has been stupid. They set up on Amazon S3 servers, so Bezos can shut them down, which he will, unless they can get their own server farm, go P2P or move to somewhere safer.

    I run Firefox – I’m not even on Gab (or Twitter, or any of them), but I run the Dissenter add-on. So I don’t see a problem with that as you do. Mozilla may have banned it from their app repository, I don’t know, but its available to install to Firefox on the Gab site.

    “Now that Sleepy Joe is to enter the White House and Trump is to be expunged”

    That’s what you think. The fat lady hasn’t sung yet. This is a Republican Party letter from the Chairman – Nye County, Nevada.

      • Part of me sometimes thinks that this is likely BS, but then I don’t believe that Trump would walk away from the people just like that, especially when he is not yet out of options. Its not only his duty, whilst still POTUS to halt this coup but is in his own interests as well and those of his family – they want to use the 25th which to my knowledge is declaring him insane and incapable, and put him on trial for their crimes. The whole family would be locked away and there has been mention of executing him. They would be able to do that because Trump bought back the firing squad for treason. But then communists make up laws as they go along anyway. There are people in the US political elite from both sides, with too much skin in the game to allow Trump to live if he loses.

        If you were in his shoes, would you not fight to your last breath?

        I’ve heard a couple of rumours, so I cannot verify but let’s see if any of these things take place..

        Trump has placed two naval strike forces on East and West coasts of the USA. Apparently this was picked up on one of those shipping tracker sites.

        He will be coming to Scotland this month. Wee nippy has declared that he is not welcome. I’m wondering if Scotland will be his base of operation.

        On Jan 15th the Australian and NZ navies are embarking for the UK. Both countries are to go into full lockdown on the 12th.

  4. I’ll say it here first.

    Joe Biden did not kill himself.

    As for Trump, he was a Roman candle parachute slowing the march of the Communist takeover of America. With the embedded and entrenched corruption and graft in both parties, there was no way that he could have turned the situation around with all of the political hands turned against him.

    dark times ahead, methinks.

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