The Gate’s Over There

Fuck off through it and don’t come back.

Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates has warned there is a ‘way above five per cent’ risk the world has not yet seen the worst of the Covid pandemic.

These arseholes really can’t let go. Fuck off already.

The tech mogul and philanthropist said he did not want to sound ‘doom and gloom’ but warned there was a risk an ‘even more transmissive and even more fatal’ variant could be generated.

But you are anyway. You were wrong about this one and having been comprehensively proven wrong, you are doubling down on your bullshit. Fuck off already. Just fuck off and when you get there, fuck off some more and keep fucking off until we can no longer hear you blathering, there’s a good chap.

He said the risk of that happening is ‘way above five per cent’ and would mean the world has yet to see the worst of the pandemic.

Yes, it has. And as pandemics go it wasn’t exactly the Black Death part 2, was it?

So, yeah, fuck off.

Gates’ warning comes after Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO), this week warned that people still needed to be weary of the virus, and that decreases in overall testing and Covid surveillance in many countries left the world at risk to a resurgence of the virus.

Freudian slip much?

Gates – who releases his new book How to Prevent the Next Pandemic on Tuesday – advised governments across the world to invest in a team of epidemiologists and computer modellers to help identify global health threats in the future.

Because they did such a good job this time. Fuck off.


  1. Entirely too kind.

    Especially when there are other chronic causes of death that nobody can be arsed to do anything about.

  2. Let us not forget that Bill Gates is the Tech Guru who completely and abysmally failed to predict the massive growth of the Internet in his 1995 Book “The Road Ahead” that he had to re-issue it 18-months later to attempt to cover his lack of foresight.

    So, as for his views on the next pandemic? or even whatever COVID-19 was, Mr. Gates can take the “Sex and Travel” option, with prejudice.

  3. Attempting to cover his arse? hmm an arsehole covering his arse, interesting concept, anyway i digress, for when the incidents of damage and death caused in no small way by the diabolical worldwide medical experiments of the last 2 years becomes so obvious that even the brainwashed can see.

  4. Mask watch. I attended a sports event yesterday and there were no masks in evidence. Non at the gym. There were usually one or two parents watching the kids’ swimming lessons wearing them but the last couple of weeks I haven’t seen any. Picked up a couple of things at Asda today, moderately busy, counted five masks.

    The real world is returning to normal, I wonder how long it will take Gates and various government funded talking heads to get the memo?

  5. Over at Knuckledragging my life away there are a couple of videos. One of a guy on a boat who rescues exhausted migrating birds that have fallen in the sea. He dries them out, feeds them lets them rest awhile and then sends them on their way. Second is a bunch of guys using a digger to rescue a dog that had fallen into a culvert. One particular comment struck a chord with me.

    “Glimpses of the world that could be, absent the sociopaths who want to give orders, where most people did the right thing just because it was the right thing and they knew it was the right thing.”

  6. Can’t wait for Gates next book, “How being a multimillionaire, useless, twat, doesn’t stop beautiful women being attracted to me despite my fat belly and man boobs”. Am sure it will be a best seller.

    • Presumably he is trying to overcompensate for his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. A man who was a procurer of young women for sexual purposes and whom Bill Gates financial vehicle bgC3 aka “Gates Ventures” paid a $2 million dollar gift to in 2014, supposedly to MIT’s Media Lab, but in which case, why did it require Jeffrey Epstein to facilitate it?

      How an Élite University Research Center Concealed Its Relationship with Jeffrey Epstein

      Maybe Bill Gates should spend time explaining the exact nature of his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein rather than attempting to coerce the general public into buying his failed COVID-19 narrative.

  7. philanthropist

    Is he, though?

    … from Greek philanthr?pia “kindliness, humanity, benevolence, love to mankind” (from gods, men, or things), from philanthr?pos (adj.) “loving mankind, useful to man,” from phil- “loving” (see philo-) + anthr?pos “mankind” (see anthropo-).

    I’m not getting much of a kindliness, humanity, or benevolence vibe off Gates. Never have.

    • It is widely believed that all of this “philanthropy” (in which I share your scepticism Sam) is some form of redemption for Mr. Gates past sins of which there are many.

      As if winning a Nobel prize could somehow expunge the lives he destroyed and the businesses he ruined in his earlier, pre-Emeritus days.

      Ain’t no cure for a poisoned soul.

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