Be Afraid

Very afraid.

A sub-variant of the Omicron strain of coronavirus has been classified as a “variant of interest” by the World Health Organization, because of “its rapidly increasing spread”.

JN.1 has been found in many countries around the world, including India, China, UK and the United States.

The risk to the public is currently low and current vaccines continue to offer protection, the WHO says.

But it warns Covid and other infections could rise this winter.

Respiratory viruses such as flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and childhood pneumonia are also on the rise in the northern hemisphere.

Winter diseases rise in the winter shokka!

They really don’t know when to stop with this bullshit, do they? Covid behaved in an entirely predictable manner – becoming more infectious and less virulent. It’s at worst a bout of the flu and at best a bad cold. Nothing to see here… Yet these people really want to scare the pants off us. Well, it didn’t work on me three years ago and it still doesn’t.

To prevent infections and severe disease, the WHO advises:

  • wear a mask in crowded, enclosed areas (Nope – it’s superstitious bullshit.)
  • cover up coughs and sneezes (Sensible people do that anyway.)
  • clean your hands regularly (Again, sensible people do that anyway.)
  • stay up to date with Covid and flu vaccinations, especially if vulnerable (Waste of time.)
  • stay home if ill (Well, duh.)
  • get tested if you have symptoms (Fuck off. If I’m ill, I’ll go to bed, take paracetamol and drink plenty of fluids. Testing is a pointless waste of time, strictly for the paranoid scaredy cats.)


  1. I will wear a mask if I need to go shopping if I have flu symptoms or similar as I believe this helps stop breathing my germs too far otherwise I would only wear one to avoid scaring people, I may be an ugly old bastard but at least I am considerate. Best wishes for Christmas. Keep up the good work it is part of my daily “Fix”

  2. stay up to date with Covid and flu vaccinations, especially if vulnerable (Waste of time.)

    It’s worse than a waste of time it is downright dangerous and counterproductive to a healthy regime.

    • That depends on the vaccine. If it’s the old standard flu vaccine, then it’s mostly harmless, but a waste of time. If it’s mRNA, than that’s another kettle of fish. An auto immune disease in a syringe and nothing would persuade me to have one of those.

  3. No sheet Sherlock!
    Another day, another named Storm breeze, another (dum, da dum dumb) Covid variant, one of millions – billions?. Cue Psycho shower scene violins. Screech, screech. Screech.
    It is Christmas. Have a good one.
    And thanks for all the posts, and motorbike knowledge.

  4. I still get the regular flu vaccine most years. I don’t know if it does any good, I seem to have a fairly robust immune system and rarely get colds or flu anyway. The odd thing about the Covid jab is, leaving aside any potential safety issues, it is now pretty self evident that it doesn’t actually work. I also call bullshit on the stories of severely ill people wishing that they had got themselves jabbed. A bit like atheists converting to Christianity with their last breath.

    • “I still get the regular flu vaccine most years. I don’t know if it does any good,”

      No, it isn’t any good. A normal vaccine, should only need one shot. The flu virus immune system would recognize any in the strain – eg. if the virus has mutant.

      With a mRNA ‘vaccine’, if this not prevent transmitted, or get it coof again, then it is not a ‘vaccine’, is it? If fact, since the others had a jab, they are viral spreading due to spike ‘shedding’. In those unjabbed their immune system protect from this.

  5. “But it warns Covid and other fearmung and steam piles of bullshit could rise this winter.”

    There, I fixed for you.

    LR, you may be aware that 4 months ago, I had a stroke and speech, read, write and spelling is a abysmal (had to look up every word I write). No changes, just the speech doesn’t work.

    A once week I go to a speech therapy and just she missed 2 appointments with the coof. Others the same which tells me that all those had jabs. My daughter works in the hospital so the staff were coerced to get jabbed – ‘no jab, no job’. She regularly gets coof.

    I had the coof Dec 2019 (just a very bad cold that lay off me work a week, usual I would keep going in), this before the ‘pandemic’ broke, but tell they stick it the jab their ass. I have never since been even a sniffle a cold. Never test or comply with masks. The hill I was prepare die on.

    Have a bloody good Christmas to one and all.

  6. Ripper, all I can say is, don’t give up and keep plugging away. I’ve had two and the symptoms persist a very long time and the recovery gets less and less noticeable, but it’s still happening.

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