
Humanity knows no limits when it comes to stupid.

But for some Americans, the masking and social distancing never ended.

Sara Anne Willette, from New Jersey, has spent more than 1,600 days in isolation, rarely leaving home and planning to further isolate to the countryside,

Because of her weakened immune system, she suffers severe anxiety just walking down the street or going grocery shopping for fear of getting sick.

You can live or you can live your life in fear, take your pick.

Charis Hill, a California resident with ‘high-level medical needs,’ only breaks their quarantine once a month to meet with a masked, socially distanced group of friends.

Hill, who uses they/them pronouns, believes that mask bans being proposed in the state ‘make it unsafe for us to exist.’

That’s a perfect storm there. A narcissistic they/them along with the need to shout ‘look at me’ with her stupid mask. Unsafe to exist, fer fuck’s sake. Covid gave these idiots the excuse they needed to play the victim and they really can’t let go of it.

However, if that’s what these people want to do, let them. But don’t in any circumstances, let them call the shots and force everyone else to pander to their delusions.


  1. If someone has a seriously compromised immune system then there are precautions that they need to take to stay alive. That’s it. The same as anyone who has a disability, their lives are different from other people, there are things that they can’t do and things that they have to do in order to live as near to a normal life as possible. All without shouting me me look at me at everybody.

  2. If you love examples of human stupidity, get on down to
    Here is a typical example from the owner of a tattoo parlour.

    Customer: *Immediately after I finish tattooing him.* “So, how long before it washes off?”

    Me: “Haha, funny. I hear that one a lot.”

    The customer is still staring at me. He’s dead serious.

    Me: “It… doesn’t? It’s permanent.”

    Customer: “Permanent… like a month?”

    Me: “Dude… are you being for real? Tattoos are forever. They don’t wash off. Why did you think it hurt so much and there was blood?”

    Customer: “That was blood? Not the red ink?”

    Me: “Please tell me you’re joking.”

    Customer: “No, you tell me you’re joking! You never said it was permanent!”

    Me: “Do you need to be told water is wet?”

    Customer: “What’s that got to do with anything?”

    Me: *Sigh.*

    At first, I thought he was trying to get out of paying, but no, he really was that ignorant. I explained to him about laser tattoo removal and thought about adding a “Warning: Tattoos are permanent!” sign to the store…

  3. Nah? They just want to avoid the “Diversity”.
    Anyway if you lived in Nu Jowsy why would you want to venture forth?
    But then I am lucky, fortunate, – blessed? And rhotic.
    And we have very nice diversty. Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian (Sihk, Hindu, whatever – I don’t ask, Pakistan, Sri Lankan, Bangladesh (Muslim?), Polish, Italian, a fair few PoC (again, I don’t ask) but nice, recently Ukrainians (Ukrainees?), Danish, Welsh, Irish, Proddies, Tims. Even a few English! And more. All Jock Tamson’s bairns. All of whom I know. All in a wee town of about 15 or 20k souls, somewhere North of Hadrian’s Wall. Folk are nice.

  4. I know someone who has done exactly this. He hasn’t left his house since the first lockdown, other than to get his vaccine shots, natch. A single never married retired guy, must be well into his 70s now, had a decent social life pre-covid, involved in local sports clubs, regular drinks with his mates down the pub, watched the local football team. But covid (or rather the government propaganda about covid) fried his brain, he became petrified of catching it, and just stayed put in his house when the lockdowns ended. He’s like one of those Japanese soldiers fighting WW2 decades after it ended. He’ll almost certainly die in his house. Very sad, and the people responsible (such as Dominic Cummings) should be forced to see what they did to people, and the damage they have done to their lives.

  5. “Hill, who uses they/them pronouns…”

    I also use they/them pronouns – when I’m referring to multiples of something. I also use I/me pronouns, we/us pronouns, he/him, she/her, you/you etc.

    What’s so noteworthy about Hill using they/them? (Yes, I’m being deliberately obtuse. 🙂 )

  6. Some time after their relationship ended one of my daughter’s exes declared himself to be non binary or some such crap and started referring to himself as a plural. My thought was that she dodged a bullet breaking up with him (them). Fortunately she now looks as though she is settling down with a really great bloke and there’s only one of him.

  7. More stupidity, Bucko the Moose has a piece about Monkey Pox and idiots who are demanding 2020 style lockdowns to keep it in check. It’s an STD you imbeciles, it is really easy to avoid getting it.

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