And Another Scare Story

They keep on coming, wave after wave.

Unvaccinated people who catch Covid are up to 60 times more likely to end up in an intensive care ward than those who have been jabbed, startling figures reveal.

And the difference that vaccination makes to the chance of needing intensive care is starkest among older people – who are more likely to suffer serious Covid illness in the first place.

Although that sounds scary, let’s put some context into the equation. During the first wave, there were no vaccines and a lot of people died. However, the kill rate was around 1%, so a bit more than that were hospitalised (very similar figures to seasonal flu). The media made it sound worse by quoting raw figures without context. You and I might call that lying by omission – or just lying. Currently that figure is 5% of hospital admissions – so not really very much at all. That the envy of the world TM couldn’t cope was largely due to it being a bit shit. However, I digress. Covid works a bit like flu although its target demographic is more sharply defined – the elderly with end of life ailments and younger people with co-morbidities. And, contrary to the narrative, we are mortal beings and we do, actually, die when our time is run. All of us. And respiratory disease is a common cause of death among the elderly. It happens every winter.

Of course, the media has plastered images of ‘healthy’ young people who have died or been taken to ICU, but bear in mind that these are rare and the media is very good at taking rare examples and amplifying them in order to sell a narrative and all of this before anyone could have performed a post mortem examination, so we don’t know if these people had an unknown co-morbidity to put a bit of perspective on the story.

The fact remains, if you catch covid regardless of vaccination status, you are 99% likely to survive. Indeed, the likelihood is that you will not even be hospitalised because the vast, vast majority of people who caught it, even at the height of the first wave, did not end up in hospital. They were confined to their beds for a few days or even a couple of weeks. Some suffered post viral syndrome – but again, see that media amplification of a condition that occurs with seasonal flu. They gave it a scary new name and presented it as a foregone conclusion to a bout of covid without any evidence to confirm that it is an inevitability, which it isn’t.

Omicron is a mild variant. All the evidence tells us this. Whether you are 60 times more likely to end up in ICU is a meaningless figure without context. The reality is that 60 times a small figure is a slightly larger small figure. The reality is that you will more than likely suffer cold-like symptoms and get better without ever seeing the inside of a hospital, let alone ICU or a coffin.

Figures from the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC), which covers units in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, show that between May and November the rate of admission for double-jabbed Covid sufferers in their 60s was just 0.6 cases per 100,000 people per week.

But among people of the same age who remained unvaccinated, the rate was 37.3 per 100,000 per week – equating to a relative risk about 60 times higher.

See what I mean? This is blatant scaremongering. Ignore it and carry on. Looking at the comments below the piece, it seems that people aren’t buying the bullshit, which is nice. How long before the comments disappear, eh?


  1. What they fail to mention is that only a few 10s of 1000s of older people remain unvaccinated (vs 2.7mlns who are), a large proportion of which is because they’re not healthy enough to take their poison. So the figures are going to be skewed.

    Indeed, the percentage of unvaccinated dying “of” covid is high, but the number of death in the vaccinated is way higher.

  2. The other bit they will never mention is that those who remain unvaxxed but have recovered from Covid have natural immunity which maple studies have shown is far more effective & longlasting than vaxx induced partial & temporary immunity

  3. Talk about cherry picking stats. Pick a long period of time which covers a complete swap in viral variants (twice), and one that at the beginning the vaccines were working far better than they were at the end. Then chose one specific age range (people in their 60s, presumably because other age ranges would not be so scary). Result – the figure you were looking for at the beginning.

    What one really needs to know is what the odds are right now, with current virus variants and current vaccine efficiency. Not a figure that harks back 6 months to when people were still in the vaccine honeymoon period and there was no Delta let alone Omicron.

  4. “Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre” or, as we say in the real world: WHO?Neverfackinerdovem.

  5. Ok, lets look at a few who have made a career from torturing statistics. From my first days discovering pro smoking blogs (around 2005) there were certain ‘academics’ working with PHE and ASH to demonize smokers. After the smoking ban in 2006 they largely fell silent, apart from a couple of them shouting about the lethality of sugar and salt.

    Over the past year I have seen 3 of them crawl back out of the woodwork, appearing on TV, names that I know of old. These are

    Linda Bould
    John Ashton
    And lastly the most dangerous of them all – Susan Mackie, a ‘behavioral scientist’, member of SAGE/nudge unit and also a high ranking member of the British Communist Party.

    These are the places you need to look.

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